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Student of Alchemy
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Not dying, and having seen so much anime I sometimes can't remember what series I've seen.
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Early '98
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To create the Philospher's Stone. And I'm not just joking, either.
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Getting into trouble.
| renkinjutsushi
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Gundam Wing
Well, I've inhaled a good five episodes tonight and I'm taking a breather before I contiune on with more. I have to honestly say I don't remember enjoying myself this much the last time I watched the show.
It's interesting to see the fandom, now, as my information on the show is current and not half-remembered. Heero is a lot more talkative than I remember, and I'm still not hating Relena. Well, I hate her because that's just the way I've seen the character for so damn long, but thus far into the show I have yet to find a valid reason to hate her. Her choices have been valid, she hasn't really been irrational and the occasional thing that I think might have pissed me off the last time I watched the show was her acting like an honest fifteen-year-old girl. Occasionally she lets the mask of responsibility slip and then you can see she's really still a child.
It's incredible to me. Where did this blind hatred of this character come from? Is it because she sits in a position of power, trying to better the world with ideals that she believes in? Or is it because the male lead of the show keeps finding himself drawn to her, to protect her and save her from harm? It's probably mostly the latter, as fangirls can't stand to see anyone get in the way of their fantasy.
I'm loving the mobile suits more and more this time around as well. Seeing the differences in the types, seeing their strengths and weaknesses. It will be strong fodder for my fanfic, of which I will certainly write some scenes for. I'll go back through the things I have written, weed and rewrite scenes out of them as well.
The politics in my story are convoluted and intense, and I may have to sit down one afternoon and just plot out exactly how everyone's loyalties play out. In the course of the Phoneix Stage there's easily nine or ten Gundam pilots ... some are killed, some lose sight of what they are fighting for. The best part is always bringing in the original Gundam pilots, because they're all intensely involved in the story. Chances are you didn't see them right away in the assembled cast.. I know it came as a surprise to me when a couple of characters tapped me on the shoulder and went 'hey ... I'm actually..." and I went "o___O How did you get there?!" My characters are always in charge of their own destinies... I can plot out the shape their lives may take but ultimately the way they play out is up to them. It's a unique way to write, but that's how I do things.
I've been tormenting Garyn, which really isn't very nice. Her memories are fractured and when she can piece things together, sometimes information is contradictory, which drives her to not dwell on the past but focus on the future, and their goals as pilots. As she is the only one who maintains contact with X, all the other pilots force her into a leadership role.
I like writing Garyn and how she interacts with people, which is probably why I'm biased toward her character. I love writing her with Darien, one of the more... unstable... pilots, because she likes him and doesn't know what to do about it. Attachment is very much discouraged among pilots, one isn't qualified to ride Gundam if they're not prepared to self-destruct, and any attachment can hinder that decision easily.
Darien is a fun character because he's almost got a Lady Une complex. One side of him is a gentle diplomat and the other is a savage warrior. He doesn't know how to reconcile this and as the story progresses, the split gets more pronounced and worse. When his Gundam is partially destroyed and rebuilt, the Zero system only makes things more screwed up.
I can keep going about this, but I think I'm going to go watch more Gundam Wing now. That's the only thing that can really keep the muses at bay, anyway.
Two Edits:
Edit 1: Changed the song. We are now at "Rewrite", the 4th opening to Hagane no Renkinjutsushi and one of my personal favorites.
Edit 2: The Watch

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