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myOtaku.com: Renometiger

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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LonelyWolf (05/20/04)

You won't be lonely now. I like your site and I like you real name Erika I like that name hehe. Im adding u as a friend ok take care.


Sindalla (05/20/04)

Thankies so much for stopping by and signing my gb! That was really sweet of you, anyways, I love your site, it's so kawaii!!! ^____^ I'm gonna add you as a friend as well, okay? Goodie! Hope to see you around sometime!!! BYE^ ^

Susan Xiong (05/20/04)

hi there. very kool aa page. and come to see mine. holla

skakujou (05/20/04)

hey, thanks for signing my guestbook ^^ i'll add you to my list

50 cent (05/19/04)

Hey just returnin the favor. L8r

Aerio of BT (05/19/04)

Well, 'ello! We all get lonely sometimes, but I'm afraid I'm too busy to honestly say I'll be able to keep you company here. :"> Sorry. But I wanted to thank you for the compliment and for taking the time to sign my guest book. I really appreciate it, my friend!
By the way, do you draw?
And nice survey you've got there... It was fun to read.

Anyroad, odaiji ni (take care) and have a good one!


WaterGoddess (05/19/04)

hey thnx for visitin my site and signin the guestbook!!! i really like ur site, i'll add u as a friend c ya l8r


kisho (05/19/04)

Yay! I can get a friend to talk to...you will be my friend won't you? uhhh...thanks for signing my gb, do you wanna keep in touch via otaku or e-mail......or not at all.....

anime girl67 (05/19/04)

hey, thanks for signing my guestbook and adding me as a friend! ^_^ i'll add u too now, k? i like ur site and i'll try to visit. well cya around!

NeverTrace89 (05/19/04)

Hey, cool site. Thanks for signing my guestbook.

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