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myOtaku.com: Reoku-Himura

Monday, January 22, 2007

Well, Lifely Events
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Welcome to this one's small cabin near the remains of the Sixt Gate Shrine in the mountains of Kyoto Japan. Of course the Six Gate Shrine burned after the assult of Shishio Makoto! Luckily this one's elder brother Kenshin was there to save Japane from his beleifs of "The weak die and the strong live, thus the weak become food for the strong." Such nasty ideals... Now his soul rests in the belly of Leviyathen, the montser of the 7th gate of Limbo, "He who is looked upon by no one but his summoner".

Here she makes a living by visiting the under laying villages that are not supported by the ever fetil Meji Government as of yet. So in hopes of forming a better country, this one travels to the villages to cure the sick and heal the wounded for she is a Preistess of Purity. Have a look around her home, and feel free to read the newsletter! It's full of fun things.

Find out more about the characters of Rurouni Kenshin:

This one is finally ready to type alot...Heh....

Well this one doesn't want to bore anyone with details on the Divorce between her parents, that's a bag of Flaming Crap all together...

Lately she has been playing Wajas. It's relitively new, but similar to Neopets! o:! Yeah, lyke omg! >_> <_< But never the less....

This one is doing well in school! Only a half a year left before she graduates from High School, then BAM! Collage in the Fall oo;;;;

She passed all of her Mid Terms:

Computer Support Tech: Passed
American Government: Knows she passed
English: Knows she passed


On the second hand....totally off the subject, but this one misses her friends, Kaatje and Midnight Mistral D:! It's like....Withdrawls its so bad D: This one even misses their voices O_O
Its hard to exsplain the complex relationship we hold, its sorta like... a Sisterly Relationship O:! Once we are together, it takes an act of God to separate us, when one has to do something the others fallow, its so much fun :3

That's about all this one has for now, she'll be working on a poem of two for you all, though no one hardly comes anymore...This one knows she doesn't post often enough, hopefully that wil lchange since the stress of the first half of the last school year is over.



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Chapter 1: Finished

Chapter 2: Finished
Chapter 3: Finished
Chapter 4: Finished
Chapter 5: Finished
Chapter 6: In progress

Temptation Wish @ Reoku-Himura
Layout By:311
Brushes From: Hybrid-Genesis

Comments (3)

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