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myOtaku.com: resengun

Thursday, January 25, 2007

im back.....again
so i think i will start with guess what....you got it more complaining yay

well i went to work (yes this is about my boss) all happy because this is like the first time im early this month lol and about half way into the day i went to the toilet (its only a few minutes walk from my work area) so 5 minutes later i get a call from my boss asking me wair i was so i told her well........that set her right off she started swairing down the phone at me and i can hear loads of people in the backround laughing then she desides to tell me that she was also with two council officers then i had enough and hung up on her!

now the fact that she got two council officers before she went to my area dont piss me off that much but what does is that she also put me on a disiplenery on friday because i was in the toilet but she didnt call me to see wair i was instead she took all of my work stuf so that when i got back i wouldnt be able to finish my work and her reason for doing that was because she "suposedly" doesnt have my number.

well i have only one question then "HOW THE FUCK DID SHE CALL ME TODAY THEN?"

it took me all day to stop my girl friend from trying to kill her but im just glad the dramon of seta is going tomorrow yay party shes gone

well thats enough of my complaining now
so i finally had a little snow on wednesday (i can never spell that right lol) but only a little,
and im taking my gf to the ballet tomorrow she wanted to go i dont like the idea of watching a load of blokes jumping around in tights but if she wants to see it then i guess i will take her god knows what one tho im paying so she got the tickets this way it will be one she likes right?

well i better go then love ya all :-) *hugs*

oh crap i just realised i still dont know what to do v-day......any ideas?

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