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On my ass staring at the computer screen
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......... um... ....... i've competed ToS 4 times? going on 5th in hard mode?
Anime Fan Since
No. clue. whatsoever.
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Final Fantasy, ToS, Kingdom hearts, Naruto, One Piece, Yu Yu Hakusho, BoBoBo-BoBoBoBo (random and funny= YAY!)
finishing my fanfic and pretty much keeping my grades up so that i don't get kicked off of the computer.
ToS, playin ToS music on the piano, Listening to Music on, Final Fantasy series, having Random funny moments with my cousin Michelle (i'll post some ToS ones), reading fanfics
making people laugh, drawing, answering everything with a chip on my shoulder, despising Zelos with a passion ( HE DRIVES ME NUTS! though you kinda have to feel sorry for him at times), and .... well... playing ToS and never getting sick of it XD!
| Resolute Assassin
Friday, March 3, 2006
Guess what??
((RA wasn't actually going to post this, but she typed it out to get some anger out of her head and though it would be nice to show all of her friends... ye-e-e-e-e-ah...))
weeeeelll seems like there's a weird situation going on with the dumbasses that are translating and tweaking KH2. As we all know, Kh2 was suposed to be here three months ago, then they say January, now they say April. April 15th to be exact. What's the matter dumbasses? Are you trying to weasel your way around another *GASP* SWEAR?! That's right, you don't want another mistake of putting the word "Hell" into a KH game again, Hu? BOO HOO. as far as i know, no one noticed except for the people who were ITCHING to see Disney say a swear. WEAK. Now for all you stupid people who have never looked at my birthday and/or cannot do math, the stranger part is that they're claiming that they'll have KH2 out by 13 days before my birthday. eerie number alert! Let's face it, with my streak of luck and Kharma loving to make fun of me and a wait of thirteen days before my birthday, you're all going to be waiting longer than that. i ASSURE you. do not get your hopes of seeing Jack Sparrow (since everyone on a damn KH board cannot go ne page without seeing something with this guy in it...), Riku (i've heard his theme already... it PWNS...), Sora in a outfit that doesn't look as much as a freaking WETSUIT (seriously!! it does!!), or far as i know, Rikku, Paine, and Yuna. nor will you be seeing any of the other characters they have in store for us, like freaking Mulan, they actually put in Simba-land (don't ask), and all of the other damn kiddy movies! and excuse my language, but PICK A FUCKING MOVIE THAT WILL ACTUALLY ENTICE KH LOVERS TO PLAY IN THE WORLD, DAMMIT!! Thank you for listening to my rant on the matter. and on more little TEENY TINY thing... Stay away from KH fanfictions that include Sora x Riku... PERIOD. THE Single handedly most fuckied up piece of shit to ever come out of someone'sbrain... it's MUCH worst than Kraine, and even WORSE than Kratos x Lloyd... Thank you.
ADD ON: on another, funnier note. there is now a cat named tabby walking around in a Zelos outfit, a Squirrel (THE LORD AND MASTER XD FOAMY!) named Peanut walking around in a presea outfit, and a Hippo named Biff walking around in a Kratos outfit, all on my animal crossing Game. Yeah, RA got REEEAL bored this times, folks... she actually made patterns that look somewhat like the character outfits in ToS (Including Yuan).. Happy Nightmares on the first and last parts XD. Oh, and Tabby is also using a Umbrealla with the Yuan design on it...
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