| .:||rethguals||:.
God, I'm such a freaking procrastinator. XD I haven't posted in a while, and I've only been visiting a few sites. Gomenasai to all of my friends for that! I've been quite busy. ^^
Anyways, some updates on my life, not that you'd want to read about it or anything! Anyways.
I've decided to start a war! Well, a kind of war. XD Not with another country or anything, just with my family. ^^' My dad's being stupid. It's kinda complicated, but I'll try to explain it as best as I can, okay?
Alright, here's the story. My dad left my mom for another woman, Taunia, and then left Taunia for Kat, the woman my brother's currently living with. Then my dad left Kat, and is back with Taunia, in a sense. Right now, my dad's currently living with my Uncle Tom in Las Vagas, Navada. My little sisters and step-mom, Taunia, are living in Arizona. My brother's up in Washington (yes, state) with Kat, and I'm here in Okieville (ugh) with my mom. -takes deep breath- Now, my dad's being an idiot, because I was abused by Taunia. So was my brother, and even my two little sisters!
Anyways... and my dad went back to her. I currently have my dad's ex-girlfriend, Kat, crying in my ear everytime I talk to her, my brother so busy, that he never has time to talk to me, my dad procrastinating on telling me ANYTHING, and my step-mom being a total bitch.
Every time I try to call her cellphone, she doesn't answer. I just want to talk to my little sisters! God, what a bitch. Anyways... and so, I haven't talked to my little sisters since June 1st, which was Bryttani's birthday.
So, my little sister's probably are sad, because I haven't talked to them. Even Max, my brother, hasn't talked to them! And my step-mom's punishing them for no reason.
I can remember, during Christmastime, I saw them. I hadn't seen them for 4 years before that, but anyways... and Brianna and Bryttani slept next to me. Brianna accidentally wet the bed. She got all scared in the morning, 'cause she thought someone would yell at her! It made me so sad.
Anyways, I almost cried, because the girls were so scared. Anyways... well... so my dad's making all sorts of mistakes. He's talking to Kat, every night. He told Taunia that he wasn't, but he is. I'm going to stir up hell, even though I'm aware of the consequences. I'm going to tell Taunia everything I know. Everything, later on today. It's 3AM here. Anyways... I'm going to tell her EVERYTHING.
I'm sure my dad, Taunia, and Kat will all be pissed at me, but it's really hard to listen to Kat cry, not being able to talk to Max, because he's so busy with other things, just so he can escape our dad's idiocy, and not being able to talk to my sisters, and my dad not telling me a damn thing! I HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW, GODDAMNIT! -takes deep breath-
Anyways! Before I get too mad! ^^ I'm going to move to a more... happy (sorta) subject!
I currently have an oil covered kitten on my foot. ^^' I gave Sugar and Midnight baths with motor oil. It kills fleas and ticks by suffocating them. ^^ Anyways, they'll be washed later today. XD It has to stay on a full 24 hours, so it'll work. ^^ And it also prevents future fleas. It's the most inexpensive way to get rid of fleas! ^^
And another subject change! Chimoko and I are currently shop owners on Gaia! XD We made a joint art shop. ^^ Which reminds me, I have to stop procrastinating and work on that picture! T^T OH well.
Well, that's it for today! Oh, and here's some pictures of Sugar and a couple of the kittens I took about a week ago!
Or rather, you'll have to wait for them ^^' My mom didn't put them in Shared Documents, so they're on my mom's side. ^^' I'll put them up next time I update! Ja-ne!
P.S. And you might have noticed the banner. ^^ I'm an official Otaku Drawer! XD Isn't the mascot cute?! He's sitting in a drawer! Puns! Gotta love them. XD