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Gotex101391 or Revolut1onXero
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DDR Freak, professional eater in training.
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Met Matt Hoffman, A or AA on every song on DDR MAX(US) & B on the Legend of Max
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Cowboy Bebop and Death Note
Grow up to be happy & have an AWESOME time at my first con
Playing DDR, Watching anime, Playing trombone, Taking stuff apart.
Playing trombone really well, Being an awesome DDR player lol.
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
1000 wow
Wow,I just realized I haven't been here in like forever, and for some reason I've gotten over 100 new visits! Um, I just want to say thanks to everyone who visited me while I was gone. And I'll be sure to get to any new guestbook entries right after this post.
Well, since I've been gone for a while I have a bunch of cool stories to tell. But I'm sure none of you guys feel like reading some uber long post, so I'll limit myself to telling you guys about the anime and games I've been watching/playing.
First off, Trigun. Last month I went over one of my best friend's house and we decided to marathon the entire Trigun series. It was so fun. We sat in front of his computer from like 7:30 p.m. Friday until like 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning. Good times! It was our first time watching the series in Japanese with subtitles, and I can sincerely say that I like the English dub slightly better. I can't wait until we can get together and marathon some more anime, next time we'll probably invite more people.
Secondly, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. That series just thoroughly pwns. I loved like every episode of it; though at times it got a tad confusing. I also learned how to do the Haruhi dance (for the most part lol). Hare Hare Yukai FTW!!! lol
Thirdly, Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad. This series has style! I sincerely don't think I've seen a series with this much style since Bebop or FLCL. I actually just marathoned this entire series earlier this week. I didn't even mean to marathon it, I just sincerely couldn't pull myself away from it. I loved everything about it: the story, the characters, the music, everything was just extremely well done. The only thing that couldn've made this series a tad better was some of the animation, but it didn't really bother me too much, and I'm guessing it was all just part of the overall style of the series. It's easily become one of my favorite series, and if you haven't watched it you're sincerely missing out because it just plain kicks ass.
And finally, Naruto Shippuuden. I love this series, but it seems a little slow to me. I sincerely hopes the pace picks up later in the series. Until then, I'll continue to download every new episode as it comes out.
Oh, and I can't forget about games.
Resident Evil 4- I love this game, I'm like 12 and a half hours into it. It's sincerely one of the most emersive (sp?) games I've played on my Wii. Please don't hate me, but I sincerely think I like this game more than Zelda: Twilight Princess.
And of course DDR. Yeah, I still play. I'm getting better than ever. In fact the other day I started off my set with two 10 footers without even warming up. I finally found a friend to play with around here, so I'm usually over his house playing, since my pad has become extremely crappy, plus he has like every DDR mix on Stepmania. Oh, I also passed Fascination Maxx last month with a B! That song is just insane.
Well, as usual, my post is longer than I expected. I sincerely hope you guys don't mind. I'm off to visit sites now.
Oh, and expect a theme change pretty soon.
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Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Merry Christmas
Just stopping by to wish everyone a merry Christmas (I'm well aware that I'm 2 days late lol)
Overall, my Christmas wasn't too bad. I didn't ask for anything, so I got more than I expected. I think I'm going to buy a Wii with some of my money.
I hope all of you got what you wanted. I think I'm going to ask for a time machine next year lol.
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Friday, December 22, 2006
Well, I'm awake at 6 in the morning for real reason, and I think to myself "Hey, it's been a while since you've been to myO." So I decided to stop by and see how everyone is doing. I also decided to make a few changes, but I bet you've already figured that out.
The first thing I noticed upon returning here is I finally have over 900 visits. I have no clue how that happened, especially because the last time I was here (October) I was somewhere around 850. I just want to say thanks to all of you who've visited me while I was gone; I really appreciate it.
I guess you guys want to hear about my life. Well this might take a while, so you might want to grab a snack or something. A WHOLE has happened since October. I got my phone, and yes, it pwns pretty hard lol. My ex girlfriend broke up with me on my birthday. However, I was kind of expecting it to happen soon anyway, so I wasn't really too shaken up by the whole thing. It still hurt a little bit though. I guess the really sad part is I haven't talked to nor seen her very much since then. But I'm not one to dwell very much on the past, so I got another girlfriend relatively quickly ^_^. I really love my new girlfriend a lot more than I did my ex. We actually do stuff together, and actually *gasp* talk on the phone. There also isn't a day that goes by when we don't write each other in school. Tuesday was our 2 month anniversary and we went to a dance at school. We had a lot of fun and really enjoyed each other's company for the night. Before the dance I had to go pick her up, so she could come back to my house for dinner. It was pretty cool meeting her family, but I was nervous as a mofo lol. Ahh, good times. I guess I won't bore you guys with anymore of my relationship stories, plus if I said any more it would be way too personal.
Now I guess I'll start boring you guys with my school stories. So basically school is still pretty dildos lol. It would probably be a little more tolerable if I didn't take Honors English. Seriously, all we do in that class is read lame books, write essays on them, take tests over what we've read, do Power Point slideshows regarding specific elements in the book, and take tests over the Greek and Latin root words that make up our language. The work just gets so overwhelming at times, and I don't really feel like I'm rewarded for all of my hard work in there. It's so dildos. I've already made up my mind that I am not taking another Honors or AP English class in my life. My other classes are pretty ordinary though, and I really enjoy Honors Biology. I guess there's something about science that appeals more to me than a piece of fiction that some author wrote in the 1800s. Alright, that's enough of my bitching about school.
Now I'll talking about something I actually enjoy, band. Marching band season is finally over, but I kind of miss it. Our last competiton was in St. Louis. It was pretty awesome, we didn't make it past prelims, but I didn't really mind that much. We went to this awesome mall and it had a DDR MEGAMIX machine. I was thoroughly shocked for two reasons. 1) That was the first MEGAMIX machine I had actually seen. Sure I'd heard rumors about them, but I never thought I'd get to play on one. 2) The machine offered 5 songs for only 75 cents! That's one of the best deals on a DDR machine that I've encountered in my life. However, the only down side to this amazing experience was the left (1st player) dance pad was complete dildos, so I had to keep alternating pads with this guy I was playing with. This was just a minor set-back though and I didn't really mind too much. We also went to Six Flags. It was pretty fun spending the day with my girlfriend and my buddies. My girlfriend got a little mad at me when I sort of left her to go play DDR at this arcade I found there, but all was forgiven when she finally found me and saw how many people had stopped to watch me play lol.
Speaking of video games, Guitar Hero II pwns pretty hard. I passed like 10 songs on Expert yesterday, now I have this really painful blister growing on my thumb from where I grip the neck too hard lol. The songs on that game are pretty awesome. I like to pretend I'm Synyster Gates whenever I play Beast and the Harlot. I do that pouty thing he does with his mouth and pretend I don't even care how hard I pwn lol.
Alright, I'll leave you guys alone now. I'm sure you're probably tired of reading by now anyway. Merry Christmas, or whatever you do or don't celebrate.
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Wednesday, October 11, 2006
It's been a while
Wow, I haven't been here in like forever lol. I guess it's because I've been like really, really, extremely, uber busy with band and school.
Band's been pretty cool, like two weeks ago we were at a BOA (Bands of America) competition at MTSU (Middle Tennessee State University). Our band won Class Single A Regional Champions and Class Single A best overall effect in prelims. We won 8th place overall that night, and we were the only Single A band that even qualified for finals. It was pretty cool, and we got these really cool medals for winning our division. Next week we're going to a BOA contest in St. Louis.
School has been lame as usual. A bunch of homework and stuff, luckily we're off this week for fall break. I swear I'd die if I didn't get a break from school.
I also got a Cable modem not too long ago, so I'm finally free from the chains of dail-up ^_^! I've also been getting more and more into Dir-en-Grey; those guys kick serious ass; they're like my favorite J-rock group now. L'Arc~en~Ciel are still good too though.
Oh, and I'm sure you guys want to hear about me and my girlfriend. Well, things had been going pretty good until Friday. She wouldn't talk to me because she heard some rumors that I supposedly spread about her. But all that's settled now, and we're still happily together. She got grounded for the rest of the school year for going to the movies with me, so I haven't been able to talk to her on the phone. I still get to see her like every week though, so it's all good. Her birthday was last Thursday and I got her some earrings which she really liked. My birthday is Friday, but I'm not really expecting much. All I asked for this year is a cell phone and a PS2. My mom ordered my cell phone yesterday, so it should be here by tomorrow. It's so awesome; it's one of those Sony Walkman phones with a video camera and everything, it pwns lol.

That's a picture of it.
Well, I guess I'll go catch up on visiting people, peace.
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
*gasp* another post
Well, I'm bored, it's Friday night, and I just got back from the first football game I've had to march in.So I thought to myself, "Revoluton, what are you to do?" and my answer was "Why not update your myO?" I have a wierd way of answering my own questions with other questions lol.
School hasn't really changed at all. There's still a lot of work, and I still dislike it. I joined the art club today, so hopefully that'll be pretty cool. The best part about it is you don't even have to draw, just be creative. Our first meeting is Tuesday, but I won't be able to make it because I have marching practice that afternoon. I really wanted to go too, we're making ice cream sculptures.
Speaking of band, it's getting better. I've finally got the hang of marching and playing, and I've made a few new friends. We played our first game tonight, but we just played the first song of our show since we're still fine tuning the second song, and we haven't even started learning the steps to our third song. Hopefully we'll have all the bugs worked out of our second song by next Saturday since that's when our first contest is.
Oh, I also finally got my very own girlfriend! I've been knowing her for a while now, and we were pretty good friends when we were younger. It's weird because all of these years I was like "Man I'm going to be single forever" So I never thought I'd be in a serious relationship with anybody, but I guess there's a person for everyone. She's really awesome, I finally have a girlfriend I can talk to about anime lol. It's pretty funny because since we're both pretty big otaku, we've elected to go to the movies at 9:00 tomorrow night so we don't miss Naruto lol. I swear we were on the phone for like 2 hours tonight. She was telling me about this time she tried to cosplay as Sasuke, but she's not really good at playing boy roles, so she just went and hid somewhere lol.
Speaking of Naruto, I finally got to read Vols. 8,9, and 10 which I bought like forever ago. I thoroughly enjoyed them, and I can't wait until I can get to a bookstore and get Vol. 11.
Well, I think I'll go get some sleep now. Tomorrow is my very first date! (I know, I'm like way behind on the dating scene XD)
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Sunday, August 13, 2006
Well I started high school this week (yay big boy school lol). It's not really that bad, I don't get picked on or anything. Which really surprised me since I expected to get like murdered the first week lol. The worst part of school has been all of the work. I've had homework every single day of the week, and this weekend I have homework for like 3 different classes. I also have a project due next week for English. Can you believe that a project due the second week of school!? Oh well, I guess I'll get used to all of the work eventually.
Band hasn't really been that bad. I've memorized most of my music, so marching is a lot easier. I think our first game is the 25th. I just wish it wasn't so damn hot outside.
My life outside of school has been pretty good. Friday night I went over a friend's house and we watched the End of Evangelion, and rocked out to power metal ( I can't get enough of that stuff). His mom also brought us some really awesome burritos from her restaurant. I also went to a dance last night. It was a themed dance and to tell the truth it wasn't really that good. Most of the music was lame, and I only got to dance with three people. After it was over I felt cheated out of $5. Hopefully next year's will be better me and my friends are thinking about having an 80s Hair Metal theme XD.
That's about all I can think of. I'm going to get to work on my project now. I'll visit you guys when I can.
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Friday, July 21, 2006
Alright, this is my official last post for a while. After this week I'm probably going to update only once a month. Don't worry though, I'll still visit you guys as often as I can. You may have noticed the new background on my posts; I figured I might as well leave you guys with something new to look it, it would be boring to keep the same old stuff forever.
I guess I'll tell you guys about my week. Well if you've seen the new Avenged Sevenfold video for Seize the Day, I advise you NOT to get your hair cut off like M.Shadows. I did and I hate it lol, but oh well hopefully it'll all grow back by Christmas since I don't plan on getting it cut again any time soon XD.
I'm also going over my friend's house today to sleep over. I'm pretty excited since I haven't been over there since like November. Hopefully we'll go to that new sushi restaurant. And it looks like I'LL FINALLY GET TO PLAY DDR! knock on wood lol.
Well, I'll leave you guys alone now and start visiting your sites.
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Monday, July 17, 2006
I Won't See you Tonight part 1 (awesome song)
Well, just stopping by to tell you guys that I'll be leaving here for a while after this week. The reason I'm leaving is pretty simple; I'll be at band camp all day next week. And after that I'll probably be focused more on my music and school. I'll try to visit you guys every once and a while, but I'm not making any promises.
Alright enough of the bad news. I did some volunteer work Saturday at the baseball park. It was actually pretty fun, and I got all the free food I wanted, though I only ate candy lol. I can't wait for band camp; I'll finally be able to see all my friends again. Actually the only thing I probably won't like about band camp is being out in the sun. Oh, there's also this new restaurant in town that serves sushi. I haven't been to it yet, but my friend says it's pretty good, and there are plenty of hot Asian waitresses ^_^. I can't wait until all my friend's get back in town so we can all go there together.
Oh, I bet you guys are probably wondering about the title. Well it's an Avenged Sevenfold song off of their Waking the Fallen album. I'll leave the lyrics for you guys.
I love all of you guys
"I Won't See You Tonight Part 1"
Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight
Sorrow, sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and loved
Building up inside of me
A place so dark, so cold, I had to set me free
Don't mourn for me,
You're not the one to place the blame
As bottles call my name I won't see you tonight
Sorrow sank deep inside my blood
All the ones around me
I cared for and most of all I loved
But I can't see myself that way
Please don't forget me or cry while I'm away
Cry alone, I've gone away
No more nights, no more pain
I've gone alone, took all my strength
But I've made the change,
I won't see you tonight
So far away, I'm gone.
Please don't follow me tonight
And while I'm gone everything will be alright
No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight
No more breath inside
Essence left my heart tonight
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Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Well, within a week I've found out a few things about myself.
(1. I really enjoy power metal. Like that's about all I listen right now. Some of my favorite bands are DragonForce, Cellador, Heavenly, Falconer and Stratovarious. I actually want to start a power metal band now lol.
(2. Panic! at the Disco are actually better than I thought. I can't get their new song stuck out of my head lol.
(3. I really wish I had a mohawk. That really speaks for itself.
(4. I don't really want a Playstation 3 anymore. I'd much have a Playstation 2 and a Nintendo Wii.
(5. I've also realized how much I still love DDR. I was watching some DDR videos on Saturday, and I was like 'Damn, I wish I could try some of that stuff.' I was especially impressed with this video I saw from the Korean freestyle DDR team called the A-Team. Those guys pwn the ass off of almost every other DDR freestyler I've seen.
That's about it. Hopefully one of my best friends will get back from his month long trip to Mexico this week. If so, we'll probably end up doing something this weekend.
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
How was everyone's Fourth of July yesterday? Mine was better than I expected it to be. First I woke up at like 11:00 to watch Kobayashi win the Nathan's hot dog eating contest for the 6th time in a row, but there was this American dude who was with him every step of the way, so Kobayashi only won by one and three fourths hot dogs this year while last year he one by 12. I'm pretty sure most of you guys don't really care too much about competitive eating, so I guess I'll tell you about the rest of my day.
At around 4:00 I went over my grandmother's house to eat barbecue and hang out with my cousins. After we got done eating we went outside to pop some fireworks, but it wasn't just regular firework popping we did some EXTREME firework poping. First we found an old flower pot, then we got some lighter fluid and soaked the fireworks in it. After that we stuck the fireworks into the flower pot and set it all on fire. Then my cousin got the idea that the flames weren't big enough, so he poured even more lighter fluid on the flame. It was so awesome, you guys should've seen that flaming flower pot. Then we put out the fire with a bunch of water and made a pact to never tell the adults in our family.
After the whole flower pot thing you'd think I'd be tired of fireworks, but no. Later that night I went over my uncle's house to pop even more fireworks. My uncle had some really high grade fireworks, like the ones that you see at the fairgrounds that the fire department usually pop. I have no clue how he got them, but they were awesome. One of my cousins said that when they went off it felt like the world was about to explode, and I couldn't agree more.
Alright, I'll go visit you guys now. Oh by the way, does anyone know if the barbecue hot pockets are any good? Because my friend D-Chan says they are, but they just don't look that appealing.
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