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Monday, June 23, 2008

early memory...
I remember when my mom was making my third B-day cake. She was putting icing on and decorating at the time actually. I was sitting in front of her bed room door playing with my dinosaurs and she asked if she could borrow them. "Sure", I say. And as you may have guessed; I had a dinosaur B-day cake.

This next bit I have been told many times. I have no memory of ever having chicken pox because I got them from my sister on by 1 year old birthday. I also have no pictures of when I was a year old because they were in my mom's purse when it was stolen from our K-mart buggy thing. I'm glad we have no pictures that age.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Do you have a job? NO

How old are you? 14

Do you have any tattoos? not yet. Maybe some day. But I don't plan on it.

How about piercings? nah, and I'm not going to get any either.

what do you study? basic stuff.

Are you in school? yeah

What's your dream job? Open a martial arts school, maybe be a cop, write novels, be a super spy. (Like on get smart)

Do you believe in ghosts? I've seen a few a few. heard one. I'd have to say yes. That or i'm insane. either one's likely.

Are you superstitious? Yeah. Major believer in magic ang ghosts. Friday the 13th has always been my lucky day, don't believe the black cat thing. cats are just too awesome.

What's your favorite hobby? playing video games, sitting at my computer.

What's your bad habit? I chew my nails and procrastinate.

What sport do you like? Soccer, Basket Ball, track, foot ball, tennis, martial arts and ping pong. Gotta love the ping pong.

What color is your room? White with flowers on it. Real manly, right?

Do you like Jewelry? I'm wearing a steel ring with a sun on it as I type this. What do you think?

What's your clothing style? Blue jeans, t-shirts, dressyish shirts, wordy shirts. Main colors are black, white, grey and rown.

Who is it that you admire most? I don't really know. I guess I'd have to say Steve Erchle.

What's an embarrassing thing that happened recently? I hurt my knee within an hour of getting a new bike while going off a ramp. Happened yesterday actually.

What's something most people don't know about you? That i'm really a secret agent for the government which I hate so very much and I have been collecting information on them. Such as their favorite color. You never know when it might come into use.

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Well, we finally got up to New Hampshire on Wednesday. WE had a bit of car trouble though. I'm not quite sure what was going on though. Anyway, just wanted to let everyone know that I can get back on. Occasionally. Bye.
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Thursday, June 12, 2008

   I was able to get on the computer one more time before I go. I went into school with my mom today. Perfect way to start tge vaca, right? Anyway, I'll start from Tuesday.

Tues-Our graduation was absolutely perfect. My speech went over really well, even though I had to keep myself from laughing (which I managed to do. Not a single "ha ha" or "giggle"). Just before it was my turn to give my speech, the person before me presented the science award. And I am very proud/happy to say, that I was the one who recieved it. Pure awsomeness! I actually had several people come up to me afterwards and say they could see the surprise on my face. So now my awards up on my shelf where it will continue to collct dust for the rest of it's existance. Or until we move. Which I don't see happening anytime soon. Eventually though. But not soon...anyway, we also had a party afterwards, which took place at the old school that I went to Pre-k at. One of my friends, Caleb S, got on top of the roof. None of the adults ever found out, thank god. I stayed there until about 9:30, just kinda haging out with the remaining people who were there. Two of my friends, Derrick and Breanna, actually got into a pretty bad quarrel. Apparently, Derrick cheated on Breanna's best friend, Heather, with four other girls; something I didn't find out about until that night. Derrick wasn't denying it soooo...yeah. Also, Breanna and Trevor started going out last night...I think.

Wednesday-Not much happened today. Spent the maority of it cleaning house. However, my dad finally got down here at about 4:00. We, myself, sister, mom, dad, and sister's boyfriend, all went out to eat at Ryan's buffet. Not much else to tell really.

Thursday-My last day in North Carolina for the rest of summer vaca. My dad's coming to pick me up at 10:00 at the school today so we can spend the rest of the day catching up. Then we have my sister's high school graduation. She'll be going tocollege next year. She'll also be staying in what's pretty much the best dorm on campus, whcih is pretty sweet for a Freshman. She also gets to room with two of her friends, so that's also pretty good. I'm relatively sure she'll be happy there for the next four years. Where she'll be learning to become a teacher.

Well, I only have one last piece of information to put. I finaly got a new phone last night. It's not very good, aactually it's pretty bad, but a phones a phone, right? Anyways, I have the unlimited texting to anyone in Verizon, so I'm going to type in my phone number. Feel free to call/text if you wish. After all, that's why I'm putting it up here. My number is (828)226-7856.

Well, farewell to all. Hopefully I'll be able to get on during summer.

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Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Hola and Adios me amigos buenos
This is possibly the last time I will be on due to summer vaca. So, farewell. *bows out and walks down the road*
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Monday, June 9, 2008

I apologize if there any mistakes in my text.
I am typing this with one hand, so I'm sorry if I type anything wrong. Why am I typing this with hand you might ask? Well, I'll tell. I hurt mmy left wrist because I fell while doing this wierd sliding thing with my feet that I do. A teacher saw me doing it, and asked me to o it again. So I did. And I fell. Abd I hit my wrist + head on the floor. Fortunetly, my head doesn't hurt any. But I'm kinda afraid that I may have actually damaged my wrist. Oh well, I'll live. And the pain will probably o awway after onight.

Oh yeah, I'm going to Wal*mart to get a tie for graduation. They actually have some decent ones there.

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Today is my last real day of school. And al we're doing today is a cookout thing. Tomorrow's out graduation, where I will be giving the "speech" for now the science award. They changed it from the English awards. And then my dad comes down from New Hampshire on Wednesday for my sister's graduation. Then, on Friday, I'll be going up to spend the summer in NH with my dad, my step-mom, my half-sister, my half-brother and my sister. So I probably won't be on as often for a little while. I should still be able to get on though.

Heh heh, I'll be driving up to New Hampshire in acar that doesn't work very well anyway, on Friday 13th, and on the same night as the full moon.Couldn't be more perfect.

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Thursday, June 5, 2008

As a couple of you may remember, I applied for a high school called Early College so that I could get two free years of college while i'm still in high school. Well, the acceptance letters went out yesterday. When I opened the letter the first word I saw was "congratulations", so I already knew what it said. So, as you probably guessed, I was accepted. But, I don't know what I want to do. Go to the normal high school, where there will be about 1000 students, or go to the early college where there'll only be 75 students exact. There are so many pros and cons for both side, so I honestly don't know what to do. This as best as I can describe my feelings right now. I want to go to the normal high school, but my family doesn't have very much money to put me through college without a lot of scholarships, so I guess I kinda need to go to EC. I want to know your oppinions. Maybe they can help me make a decision.
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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Pointless post
My van's front right tire went flat. It was all taken care of though.
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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Uh ooooh...
A couple of my friends and my girl friend have one day OSS tomorrow. They went up to the computer lab when we were supposed to be eating lunch without telling anyone. So of course the teachers started freaking out and looking for them. And when they couldn't find them they ended up calling the cops to look around. I think it's actually almost kinda funny.What really sucks is that I had been tutoring one of those friends, Tristan, all day yesterday and up until lunch today because he failed his end of grade test. What makes it so bad is that he's supposed to retake the test tomorrow. So I ended up having to stop tutor him while he was in the principals office and spend the rest of the day reading and helping out one of my favorite teachers, so it was fun. *sighs* I hope they work out something with Tristans test so that he doesn't have to go to summer school. # Next bit is not for very weak stomached people*

For some strange reason my arm started bleeding during my teachers class. (The one I was helping).I didn't really want to interupt her class to ask for a bandaid, which I hate anyway because people never want to just suck it up. So that's what I did. I litterally sucked up my blood. That's what I always do when I get cuts, so my blood actually tasted kinda good compared to usual. That actually only adds on to my reputation as a human vampire though, because I've also licked the blood of three of my best friends last year. Caleb's was pretty good. Kinda sweet actually. But Breanna and Zacks tasted like they had to much iron. None of my other friends will let me near them if they bleeding though, but I guess I can't really blame them. It isn't exactly something you go through everyday. Having one of your friends suck your blood. *vv*

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