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North Carolina
Member Since
Real Name
Tyler, but call me anything you like.
None worth mentioning.
Anime Fan Since
As far back as I can remember, which is pretty far.
Favorite Anime
beyblade, Naruto, Bleach, *Death Note*, FMA, Inuyasha, Fruits Basket(Also my favorite manga) and *Code Geass*. Final Fantasy and Persona 3 if you count them.
Get through Early College (the school I go to).
I have a lot of hobbies.
Ummm....not sure. :p
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Do you have a job? NO
How old are you? 14
Do you have any tattoos? not yet. Maybe some day. But I don't plan on it.
How about piercings? nah, and I'm not going to get any either.
what do you study? basic stuff.
Are you in school? yeah
What's your dream job? Open a martial arts school, maybe be a cop, write novels, be a super spy. (Like on get smart)
Do you believe in ghosts? I've seen a few a few. heard one. I'd have to say yes. That or i'm insane. either one's likely.
Are you superstitious? Yeah. Major believer in magic ang ghosts. Friday the 13th has always been my lucky day, don't believe the black cat thing. cats are just too awesome.
What's your favorite hobby? playing video games, sitting at my computer.
What's your bad habit? I chew my nails and procrastinate.
What sport do you like? Soccer, Basket Ball, track, foot ball, tennis, martial arts and ping pong. Gotta love the ping pong.
What color is your room? White with flowers on it. Real manly, right?
Do you like Jewelry? I'm wearing a steel ring with a sun on it as I type this. What do you think?
What's your clothing style? Blue jeans, t-shirts, dressyish shirts, wordy shirts. Main colors are black, white, grey and rown.
Who is it that you admire most? I don't really know. I guess I'd have to say Steve Erchle.
What's an embarrassing thing that happened recently? I hurt my knee within an hour of getting a new bike while going off a ramp. Happened yesterday actually.
What's something most people don't know about you? That i'm really a secret agent for the government which I hate so very much and I have been collecting information on them. Such as their favorite color. You never know when it might come into use.
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