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Sunday, March 27, 2005


Chillin' today...just chillin':)After all those Easter ceremonies, I'm finally lifting all fours in the air and having a loooong break! So...that's about it!

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Saturday, March 26, 2005


HEHEHE!!! Tomorrow---EASTER!!! YAAAAYYYY!!! I have to paint some eggs! Have no good idea what to paint...maybe i'll go with anime;)

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Thursday, March 24, 2005

No people, I'm not dying...yet:) I've just gotten a temperature. DARN VIRUSES! DARN BACTERIA! I hope they DIEEEEEE!!! Ok, I'm perfectly calmed;O So, thought about writing posts since I've got nothing better to do and am tied to the chair and inhalator:)I HATE flu....sniff...

So I'm listening to some music...the one that can really make you even more depressed, going like(I'm translating this to English so have mercy:) '' Be my water, I'm your fire...I'll burn out...Spill yourself upon me, be everything I want... and I'll live...''etc. (sounds really stupid in English;P)

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   adding post(like it's not obvious)#___#


One Ring to rule them all...
After the ''last day of torture'' aka. last school-day, I went out with my friend and had a drink with some ppl I'd consider rather normal(others consider them nerds) You know, people who don't look at you faintly when you say ''motherboard'' or ''asteroxylon''. So, to summ it all, if someone's smart-doesn't mean he/she's a nerd.;D In search for truth I had to admit the other relevant fact: thare are jokes who are funny by the very fact they aren't:O, like: ''Two guys are walking down the street- first one is a rock star, and the other is blind.'' Not funny at all-but is considered a joke...whatever...More time to dedicate to fantasy and anime...the only reason I like spring is vacations;P!

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Tuesday, March 22, 2005

   *****BISHOUNEN TOP FIVE*****(in my humble opinion)*************

ANIME: Vision of Escaflowne
LABEL: villain
WHY: he's wicked, he's hot, he's psychotic pyromaniac, excellent warrior, his eyes are red and his hair is silver, he's rather tall(for an anime character), we like his unpredictable bloodlust and split personality;)
THEME SONG: ''Engel'' by Rammstein

ANIME: X1999(also Tokyo Babilon)
LABEL: good guy
WHY: purple, sometimes green eyes, wounded soul, tragedy all around him, he's onmouji, cool powers, the way he gives us his ''painful look'';)
THEME SONG: ''Tourniquet'' by Evanescence

VIDEO GAME: Final Fantasy: Advent Children
LABEL: villain
WHY: silver hair, blue eyes, brains, bad ass attitude, excellent sword skills;)
THEME SONG: ''Wishmaster'' by Nightwish

ANIME: Gundam Wing
LABEL: good guy
WHY: hair, sense of humor, laid-back attitude, easy-going nature, nickname, Deathscythe
THEME SONG: ''Highway to Hell'' by Kiss

ANIME: Angel Sanctuary
LABEL: good as well as bad
WHY: put aside the fact he's Lucifer's incarnation, he's quite a nice guy, his eyes make us shiver, he's the definition of cool and flegma;)
THEME SONG: ''Points of Authority'' by Linkin Park
By establishing this weeks top five, I'm searching for three suggestions for the next list, one who gets more votes stays;) Came up with this idea since it's becoming boring to post same old boring observations of real life;)

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Monday, March 21, 2005


Hopefuly hoping I will survive these two more days until my vacations, I assume I should be killing myself softly by listening Aretha Franklin's inspirational rhymes. As usual, I decide for something heavy like maybe Rammstein;P Uh, that Engel sure is great song;) Like the new album too...Hm..now back to the topic, whatever that topic might have been. I've lost the line of thoughts...well, whatever...:P

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Sunday, March 20, 2005



You Soul-Mate by Keera
your soul-mate
when you meetAugust 4, 2006
how you meetWouldn't you like to know?
when you marryApril 28, 2010
number of kids1
eye color
hair color
Quiz created with MemeGen!

Coming to solving quizes this one came up as a real puzzle giving thingie. So I think to myself: Are there soulmates? I've heard about some old Indian legend which says people were created as two persons in same body. But(there's always ''but'' in legends) gods separated them into two bodies, because they sinned, and threw them away from eachother so that they spend their lives searching for the other half. Maybe that's the point of all that ''soulmate thingie''. Anyways, even though this globalized world tries to convince us there's no such thing as soulmates, I think that (deep down inside;) we all hope there is:)

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Saturday, March 19, 2005

Belldandy Pic
You are Belldandy, a Goddess by name, but an angel
at heart.

What Anime Angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a Khaos angel. You are different from all
the rest. You are a special breed of angel,
prone to suffer in the world that you are in
now. No matter how much you try to believe that
your not special, you are. There is alot that
you want to do in this world. Khaos angels are
very dramatic, we tend to have the ability to
cheer people up no matter what the mood, and
hold in your emotions. You should be proud,
Khaos angels are very rare to find in this
world of ours... (and yes. you are a completely
different type. Hence the name

What Different Kind of Angel are you...? ( Anime-ish pics )
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a Intense Kisser
You have an intense kiss! You and your partner
connect when you kiss and you forget about the
rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

   evolutional inspiration*sweathdrop*

Four days to go till the spring brake...Sun is shining...Birds are singing...Flowers are blooming...I hate spring...snifff....I wish snow was falling...Spring can be so depressing, darn depressing...Especially if you're surrounded by those ''eternaly happy'' people who think they can ''smile it all away''. So tragic! And whats even more tragic is to see those ''marry me girls'' parading all over the city in their latest pink collections...makes the ordinary ones fell like latest scum...So pathetic....yaaayyy...darn pathetic....But there's a joke on the end of my post:
Jesus is walking over the beach when he meets a couple of junkies.
-Hey bro, wanna smoke weed?- they ask
Sure.-he anwers and pulls a smoke
-Yo bro, whats ya name?-they ask
-Jesus Christ.-he answers
-This weed is gooooood...They conclude;)

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Wednesday, March 16, 2005

getting nuts and having lunch*----*
So...what are the ways of defining NOSY? Lemme seee...hey! One way: My neighbours!! Imagine having someone who likes seeing what you're having for breakfast, lunch, dinner; where do you put your stuff, what're you doing all the time, and on top of all, asks such stupid questions like:''Is it right to solve puzzles by crossing or circling the letters?'' To drive you nuts...

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