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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Friday, March 4, 2005

   all quiz haters feel free to kill me;)
Duo Maxwell

Which Gundam Wing Bishonen Is For You? (With Pics!)
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Zechs Kitty
You are a Zechs Kitty,you are cool and
mysterious,you and Noin Kitty get along well
and you are the best masked kitty there is

What Gundam Wing kitty are you?
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Wing Zero
Wing Zero, you are balenced in both attack and
defence and you have both long range and short
range weapons, you are the gundam people always
wanted, when people destroy what you loved, you
enrage with the Zero System

What gundam are you?
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Lucrezia Noin
You are Lucrezia Noin!

Which Gundam Wing Girl Are You?
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You could be supreme ruler if you wanted to!
You've got three wings, total cool but Astral
powers, and a kick-ass sword! Every guy loves
you for your looks, and people accept and also
love you for your charm. Don't be afraid about
having too many enemies. Except for the ones
who want to be leader... and wipe you out from
existence. Careful of that twin of yours too,
they desperately yearn for your power.

What Angel Sanctuary Character are you?
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A Stone Angel
A Stone Angel

How Should Your Death Be Marked?
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