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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Thursday, March 10, 2005

   my postie
The Bitch
You are the bitch. Narcissistic, Mean and
Controlling. You are cold hearted with an
attitude that matches. You always get what you
want even if it means to step on all those
below you. But if you dont you make sure
everyone around you pays. Though you are not a
true villain I think you would make it as
runner up.

Which Female Anime Stereotype are you?
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Inuyasha. Quite the weird bunch aren't we? You all
have something that is strange about you and
even though you really care for each other, you
don't show it much. Heck, you probably don't
realize how important you are to one another
until someone is gone.

Which anime group do you and your friends resemble?
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You're a pessimist. You have your own unique
interests, which isn't a bad thing. You focus
on the dark side of life, but you should try to
lighten up just a bit ^_^

What Kind Of Anime Girl Are You?
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You're Hotaru! Fishnets, bats, and alleycats! Rawr!

Which Anime Girl Are You?
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