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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Thursday, March 17, 2005

   evolutional inspiration*sweathdrop*

Four days to go till the spring brake...Sun is shining...Birds are singing...Flowers are blooming...I hate spring...snifff....I wish snow was falling...Spring can be so depressing, darn depressing...Especially if you're surrounded by those ''eternaly happy'' people who think they can ''smile it all away''. So tragic! And whats even more tragic is to see those ''marry me girls'' parading all over the city in their latest pink collections...makes the ordinary ones fell like latest scum...So pathetic....yaaayyy...darn pathetic....But there's a joke on the end of my post:
Jesus is walking over the beach when he meets a couple of junkies.
-Hey bro, wanna smoke weed?- they ask
Sure.-he anwers and pulls a smoke
-Yo bro, whats ya name?-they ask
-Jesus Christ.-he answers
-This weed is gooooood...They conclude;)

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