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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

   adding post(like it's not obvious)#___#


One Ring to rule them all...
After the ''last day of torture'' aka. last school-day, I went out with my friend and had a drink with some ppl I'd consider rather normal(others consider them nerds) You know, people who don't look at you faintly when you say ''motherboard'' or ''asteroxylon''. So, to summ it all, if someone's smart-doesn't mean he/she's a nerd.;D In search for truth I had to admit the other relevant fact: thare are jokes who are funny by the very fact they aren't:O, like: ''Two guys are walking down the street- first one is a rock star, and the other is blind.'' Not funny at all-but is considered a joke...whatever...More time to dedicate to fantasy and anime...the only reason I like spring is vacations;P!

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