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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Saturday, May 14, 2005

   @****getting hooked on SW:)
''Rise, Lord Vader.'' Yaaayyyyyyyyy!! Episode III. IS coming soooooonnn!!! I dreamed about Vader last night:) AND, I had a PINK lightsaber(maybe the didn't have enough batteries for mine so red turned to pink somehow:)So he walks towards me...and I'm wearing my pajamas!!What a humiliation..*sweatdrop* Luckly I woke up before he told me anything...:) So, when did I get obsessed? Simple, I only get an SWobsession just before the new episode! And then, my friends avoid me for some time;) So yesterday I'm walkin by the cinema with my friends and there's a commercial for that movie about fall of Hitler(i like history movies btw;)so suddenly I started to yell like a maniac ''Hitler! Hitler guys! Hey it's Hitler!'' and they started looking at me panically asking ''Where?!'' with ppl on the street gazing at me like I was on drugs or sth:)Anyways, we had a good laugh and carried on with our ''rounding the city'' since we've got a lot of free time during the school...(I'll get help, I surely will, I promise:O)

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