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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Monday, June 6, 2005


No, I didn't watch ''Insomnia'' (that film with Pacino)-I had the main role:O My exam is getting closer and closer and I'm having serious lack of sleep or any desire to dream at all...heh...what can you do? Get depressed and continue studying logics*sweatdrop* I'm considering of changing my nick to ''conclusion'' maybe(no I'm not actually;)but anyways, hope you like the poem up there, it's my favourite Poe's poem;) Have a nice day/night/whatever.
Poster of one of my favorite bands Rhapsody and I've discovered it by accident, actually, got it as a result on a quiz! Wish they'd come here and I had a ticket to the concert hehe...like fat chance:O

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