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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Today, I realised life sucks...Well, actually I knew that before but today I really got it. It was one of those moments when you get struck by sth and get a full illumination. Btw, I hate those moments. It's so much easier pretending everything is fine. You get used to it and it becomes the routine you live day by day, not even thinking of it. Especially the life everyone leads today. You get up, go to work/school/other, get the job done, come home, eat, watch TV/occupy PC/other, go to sleep...and tomorrow-everything again. Turns the humanity into robots with only purpouse to produce more and more so you'd have more money...sucks...big time. But, whataheck! I don't plan to join Legion of Strangers or sth:O Anyways, my conclusion is that enjoying small things is essential for survival;D See you later ppl, hugs and kisses, Rhaenyra*<>*

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