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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Sunday, July 3, 2005

   To be or not to bee;O

Today I'm on strike. No studying-heck with it! I've said to myself: ''You've spent the last month of your miserable life studying-now-NO MORE!'' So I've been watching Gundam Wing the whole day all over again, wondering how many times can that dumb Releena scream ''Heeeeerrrroooo!'' or Noin's favourite words''Oh, Zechs...'':) Very interesting when you count>___< Yesterday I've watched Live 8 a bit. Really crappy how we need to beg those big fishes to stop ppl from dying! Hello: it's DYING! Anyways, my little cousin was here and occupied my PC by playing ''Need for speed'' whole rest of the night. And he didn't even let me check my mail! Can you believe it?! Darn brat stole my comp:O

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