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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Saturday, August 13, 2005

   Don't ever mention walking...
Today, I walked 10km. I'm barely alive but let's just keep the yearly tradition;) Anyways, I'm exhausted and seem to be loosing thoughts just before typing them so I'll just go take a quiz or sth:O
You chose green eyes.
You are a very fun person to be around. You
appreciate all the little things in life, even
if it's something like a soft pillow, or a
certain tree. You can also see the good in
people too, and like them for it. You have many
dreams, and you want to fullfill them all
before you die. You are also mysterious, and
secretive, and guys/girls are attracted to you
for it.

The Eye color personality test
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Your last words would be...'It's probably better
this way...'
Your life has
been...heartbreaking. Almost no one has been
there for you, and when someone has, they soon
leave. You might be suicidal, or just full of
self-pitty...possibly both.

What will your last words be? (Another pic uped.)
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People see anger in your eyes. You are probably a
good person, but you have a quick temper. You
may sometimes find yourself snapping at your
friends or family. People should know not to
piss you off, but be careful. Your temper could
cause you to do or say something that you
really don't mean.

What can people see in your eyes?(great ANIME pics)((IMPROVED!!!))
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You fight with passion. You dont go around picking
fights. But when you do fight you tend to win.
You tend to let out your bottled emotions when
you fight. That is your secrect to success.
Your Weapon: Your body

How do you fight?
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Wooahhh... dude, you're a teen at heart. Rock on.
You're rebellious and willing to try anything
new, and whatever gets in your way is goin
down. Either you like to be around lots of
people, or you absolutely hate them. You've got
a ton of emotions inside, but you're cool to
hang around with, anyway.

How old are you at heart?
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Werewolf - Evil or Not?

What type of evil being are you inside?
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Water elf
you're a water elf. you're often calm, but just
like the ocean can change your temper changes
with it. you seem to have a slight connection
with the weather too, and you're also a smart
Blue fits you best

what kind of elf are you? {with pics}
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Which Japanese name suits you right? (5 outcomes and cute anime pictures)GIRLS ONLY
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