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myOtaku.com: Rhaenyra

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

   It's been a long time...:)
Well, I haven't posted for ages. And now I feel like I should. Well, to be honest there was so many things going on lately, I didn't know what to write...For example, the exams which I passed:)then new thingies to study, nobody tells you it never ends!:( Then this Tolkien board I singed in to and got obsessed with, and these two guys I can't decide which one I like better, then my depressed friend and finally my obsessive-compulsive-paranoid parents.:O Wow, it's been a while since I wrote, jeeze! Anyways, I got like tons of anime which I haven't had time to watch since I've gotta study this darn Roman law including all the latin proverbs and actions:(((( Not to even mention National history and Economy:(((((((((((But, there's always but, I've noticed a lot of changes here like there's no direct link to your own work in the bottom of your page, no top lists in walls and greets...actually that's it:) Well, nice to drop by here every once in a while when I get a chance to breathe a bit:) LUV YA ALL:)))))*<>*

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