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Brisbane, Australia
Member Since
Being too cool for...something that ryhmes with cool...
Real Name
Nicole...just call me Nikki
Anime Fan Since
Samurai Pizza Cats
Favorite Anime
Digimon, DragonBall, Z & GT, Monster Rancher, Sailor Moon and definatly Duel Masters
To make an anime series with Zedstef
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Hey everyone.
i have my collage orientation today, and i am really, really nervous of what's going down. lol. i have to catch the 1.57pm train, then walk crom central station to some place. lol, nah the collage. but yeah, i hope i don't suck. lol.
wish me LUCK!! yay!!
there was a storm last night. it was pretty cool. lightening every second. it was the bomb. and today apparently there is gonna be a dust storm. or a thin layer of dust that'll be settling in over the city for today. it's pretty gay coz i have to go to the city today.
well instead of typing crap i'll just post a few pictures of my doggy, sally.

aww, so cute! lol
woot. well byes!
love nikki
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Sunday, January 30, 2005
Update...on my boring life. lol.
thursday, my eye was straining, but i didn't take notice of it until 2 days later, when i felt sick, and i stayed in bed all day. man i'm a retard. so i've been lying around for the past few days, sleeping and feeling like crap.
i'm going to the doctors tomorrow, hoorah! i can't wait.../sarcasm.
i'm sooo hungry. i'm gonna eat after this, coz if i don't, i'm prety sure i'll have to lying down for the rest of the day. YAY GO ME. not.
well last week, before i was sick, i did these and made them look pretty.

and one more thing....

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Monday, January 24, 2005
i feel sick. i start collage soon! woot!
here's a pic of izzy i did in, its a program my brother downloaded. but man, it took me ages!!! stupid colouring. bye anyway. lol. it's better looking than the other one i put in my fanart.

woot on. i'm going to watch south park. then nip/tuck. man i love that show!!! wooo yay!!!
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Friday, January 21, 2005
The BIG Adventure!
Yesterday was a HUGE day, packed full of heavy lifting and walking around the big city. it was funny.
firstly, i woke up, as i do every morning, unless i wake up dead, except i'd still be waking up...anyway! i woke up, had breakfast, scrambled eggs and coffee, to be exact.
i got dressed and left home at about 7.30am to go with dad to move some motorbike parts. (fun fun...not). i started at 8am walking up stairs where there are motorbike wheels and rims. (there was all this other shit, but i moved them before christmas) so anyway, there was about 40-50 rims, and i had to load them on my dads ute, which is all the way downstairs (dang yo). taking 2 at a time i moved most of them to the ute. man it was great, it was even better that it was the hottest day, and i was sweating like a mofo.
after waorking for 2 hours straight, dad took me home and i went in the pool. the pool was freakin freezing, but i got in. after that, i swept the drive way, coz i can. lol. right.
after that i went on the computer for about 15 minutes, then my brothers like, "oh, i have an interview in the city. do ya wanna come?" and i'm like "okay!" so, we rode down to my parents shop on a motorbike, and we left the bike there, and we walked to the train station. hoorah! Sam(my brother) and i got on the train and we arrived in the city in about 30 minutes later. then we walking from central city to...fuck knows where to the interveiw place where Sam needed to go. we were both hot and sticky until we went inside the builing, and we both said "i love air-con".
45 minutes later, the interview lady came and we talked shit for about 15 minutes. after that, Sam and i went and had lunch at Arah-Kebab. lol we had Kebabs. i had a Lamb one...anyway....
we left there and walked around in the heat. i felt sick so we went into this place called "boarders", it's a cafe, music, books and magazine store. it's HUGE. and air-con'd. lol. so we stuck around there for about 2 hours, (since both of us forgot our phones and we didn't have watches we lost track of the it was 4pm. i'm like "Sam, we better go, mum and dad will be closing the shop soon" we walked back to the train.
and of course we both got on the 'Express' train, and we went past our destination by 3 stations. LMAO it was soooo funny. we were laughing the whole time we were on the train. we got off at Petrie (we were supposed to get off at Strathpine). so i asked this lady "whens the next train going to Strathpine?" and she's like, "oh it just left, but the next ones in half an hour" and i'm like, "great!"
so i rang mum on a pay phone (lol) and i said "Oh my god, sam and i are so retarded" and then she's like "okay, we'll wait for you here, i'll see you retards later" LMAO, it was soooo funny. my mum called us retards...hahaha, okay whatever.
the train came and Sam and My retarded adverture was coming to an end. we stopped at Strathpine and we were laughing the whole time, as you do. i saw mum and dad waiting for us outside the shop, i was waving at them, and they waved back. but then 2 more trains were coming so we had to wait. man it was funny.
we got back to the shop, and i bought sam nad myself a can of coke and we went home. on the way home, we were watching the lightening that was happening coz there was a storm ahead. it was awesome.
the storm happened pretty much all night. it was cool.
well that's enough of that, coz its taken me ages to type this and my head hurts. AND, this post is long enough...THATS why i'm gonna add a picture. lol...

IT'S HAMMER TIME!!! haha...look at him dance!
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i posted it twice, coz i'm a dick.
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Monday, January 17, 2005
i've been watching futurama all day. lol, i'm in love with that show. ahhhhh, yes...well i'm gonna post some pics...coz i can.

Fry - "hey! *sniff sniff* what smells like blue?"

Fry - "but exsisting is basically what i do!"

Music - *plays, slows*
Leela - "Fry, it's been three days. You can't keep boogying like this. You'll come down with a fever of some sort."

Fry - "Huh. Did everything just taste purple for a second?"
HAHAHA, the greatness of Fry is the bomb...hense my new BG...but thats not the point, the point is that i'm boring and that i should stop typing....nnnnnnnnow
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
oh, great. i just deleted a post...good fuckin on me!!!
phfft, what a load of shit.
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Saturday, January 8, 2005
I'm gonna see
Finally, i'm gonna see it!!! i'm going to zedstef, and bec. YAY!!!
America, FUCK YEAH!
Coming again, to save the mother fucking day yeah,
America, FUCK YEAH!
Freedom is the only way yeah,
Terrorist your game is through cause now you have to answer too,
America, FUCK YEAH!
So lick my butt, and suck on my balls,
America, FUCK YEAH!
What you going to do when we come for you now,
it’s the dream that we all share; it’s the hope for tomorrow
McDonalds, FUCK YEAH!
Wal-Mart, FUCK YEAH!
Baseball, FUCK YEAH!
Rock and roll, FUCK YEAH!
The Internet, FUCK YEAH!
Slavery, FUCK YEAH!
Starbucks, FUCK YEAH!
Disney world, FUCK YEAH!
Valium, FUCK YEAH!
Reeboks, FUCK YEAH!
Fake Tits, FUCK YEAH!
Taco Bell, FUCK YEAH!
Rodeos, FUCK YEAH!
Bed bath and beyond (Fuck yeah, Fuck yeah)
Liberty, FUCK YEAH!
White Slips, FUCK YEAH!
The Alamo, FUCK YEAH!
Band-aids, FUCK YEAH!
Las Vegas, FUCK YEAH!
Christmas, FUCK YEAH!
Immigrants, FUCK YEAH!
Popeye, FUCK YEAH!
Demarcates, FUCK YEAH!
Republicans (republicans)
(fuck yeah, fuck yeah)
i love that song!! it's so awesome.

oh yeah...he's hot!
better go, and get ready to go to the movies. byes!!
love nikki
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Wednesday, January 5, 2005
i just did this boring survey....yeah i'm bored...
The | Created by k-a-r-i-n-a and taken 7 times on bzoink! | ~~You~~ | Name | Nicole | Age | 18 | Location | Brisbane in Australia | Birthday | 28 December 1986 | Height | 175cm | Weight | 57.5kg | Hair color | blonde | Eye color | blue/green | Grade | finished school | School | was 'Albany Creek High' | ~~Opinions~~ | George W. Bush | moron | Abortion | yes, you should be able to do it | Physician Assisted Suicide | whatever, suicide is stupid | Gun control | people with guns are fuckheads | Drugs | are stupid, but whatever floats ya boat... | Alcohol | is totally awesome! | Sex before marriage | meh, i don't care. | Euthanasia | ...huh? | Abuse | is not on. | Racism | people who are racist are stupid, we're all apart of this world, so deal with it. | Sexism | meh | ~~Have you ever~~ | Jumped off a plane? | no | Jumped off a cliff? | no | Jumped off a bridge? | no | Kissed a member of the same sex? | no | Kissed a member of the opposite sex? | yes | Had sex? | no | Ran away from home? | yes | Ate something old or rotten? | no | Climbed a tree? | yes | Spyed on someone? | yes | Went skinny dipping? | yes | Visited another country? | no | Visited another contintent? | no | Done charity work? | no | Done something illegal? | yes | Done drugs? | no | Drove | yes | Killed a guy? | no | Had a near-death experience? | no | Saw something that changed your life? If so, what? | no | ~~Word Association~~ | Bike | helmet | Gorilla | monkey | Cute | puppy | Tree | leaves | Flower | dirt | Dead | reaper | Jamaica | bongo | Alive | dead | Lion | king | Red | blue | Green | grass | Yellow | sun | Rain | clouds | Snow | white | Butter | knife | ~~Favorites~~ | Food? | pasta | Car? | dodge viper GT | Candy? | chocolate | Movie? | evolution | Band? | linkin park | Song? | the screaming jets - october grey | Book? | - | Magazine? | - | Vacation spot? | i dunno | Hang out spot? | my boring house | Country? | australia | City? | brisbane | Number? | 3 | Dessert? | ice cream | ~~Friends~~ | Who is the.... | Funniest | zaida | Craziest | bek | Happiest | zaida | Saddest | ben | Prettiest? | zaida | Loudest? | matt | Quietest? | rebecca | Shortest? | zaida | Tallest? | matt | Stupidest? | me or zaida. lol | Smartest? | ben | ~~LAST QUESTION~~ | Do you love me? | the fuck should i know?! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Monday, January 3, 2005
damn it, i forgot what i was gonna say....

lol...i don't suck!
howdy ho, what's shittin?
yeah just what i was thinkin...
i wasted $40 at the pokies yesterday. that's so bad i was like "damn, i better not waste anymore!"
OMG, my bestest best friend courtney rang me up last night, we talked for about 2 hours. i hadn't heard from her for about 12 months. man i miss her. she lives in new zealand. YAY!!!!
so we pretty much just talked shit. but the memories...ahhhh!!!
humm, yeah, i don't think i've got anything else that exciting to tell... ummm...yeah, so here are some boring pictures...

fuck this off...cya!
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