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Thursday, December 30, 2004
I'm bored like a mofo!
i've been busy making wallpapers. so if you wanna check them out, that'd be awesome.
i just have to mention that i rock. but that's enough about that...
i watched 'the fighteners' again. man i love that movie.
i totally rock...

dang yo!...
i've been downloading all these fonts onto my PC. oh man, its awesome. i got about 12 more, like the willy wonker font, gta 3 font, ren and stimpy font, linkin park fonts, led zepplin font...oh man, i can go on and on...which i won't coz i can't be bothered to type anymore...
so here are some funny pictures i found.

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Monday, December 27, 2004
I'm 18 today!!!!
yay...i'm going to the pub today!! lol, gettin drunk n shit....well i better go, coz i can!!!!
breaking the habit...
Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
love the clip, love the song...my birthday present to me...yay!
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Friday, December 24, 2004
Merry Christmas!!!
Hey, it's christmas today!!!
i got a lot of shit this year!
i got...
-MP3 player
-Badmittin set
-wattu football thingo
-ting teddy tin with shit in it
-2 pairs of earrings
-2 shirts
-painting easil
-art book, coloured pencils and pens
-more chocolate
-yeah...i think that's it...
wow, what a day, well i'm pretty drunk, so i'm off!
byes, have a good one.
love nikki
p.s. i changed the colours on my site again...lol, yeah i got bored, it's pretty shit, but whatever.
purple =izzy's crest
orange = tai's crest
blue = matt's crest
word, i'm not obsessed, well the background, i made it, wow, it's my desktop on my pc now...okay i'm shutting up now....

spank that bitch!!
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Monday, December 20, 2004
my survey, which i made like a year ago...
Linkin Park | Created by rhinestoner and taken 343 times on bzoink! | who is your favourite member? | Mike | is it because you find them attractive? | WORD UP!! | if so, what is the sexiest thing about them? | *scratches head* derrr, i dunno...multi-talents... | what is you favourite LP song? | breaking the habit | what song do you find is your least favourite? | session | why's that? | it's shit | who is the member you'd least like? | Rob | is it because you find them unattractive? | Yes...and that he's not cool. | if you got to talk to any member who would it be? | Chester | if you could kiss any member who would it be? | Mike and Chester...or at least watch them kiss each other... | if you could bone any member who would it be? | ...Chester =D | if you ran into any of there wives or girl friends what would you do? | Shake their hand and say "good for you" | if you bought your favourite LP member a gift, what would it be? | a picture frame with a signed picture of me in it. | what song would you reckon that they should make a single of? | with you | if you were mike would you try to get in chesters pants? | yes...all the time | if you were any LP member for 24 hours, what would you do? | look at myself naked | would you die for your fav. LP member? | why the fuck would i do that? | could you say you are obsessed with LP? | no, not anymore... | if you lived next door to any LP member, would you try to peep inside? | no...he...he heeee... | can you picture mike and chester getting it on? | oh yeah! | if so, can i have a picture? | no, they're mine! | what is your favourite LP video clip? | breaking the habit | what is your favourite LP album (don't say all of them, SHIT!)? | reanimation | Do you find yourself a groupie, or you actually love their music?? | i love their music you fuckhead! | if so, i really hate you...can i kick you ass? | ... go right ahead. | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
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Christmas is nearly here! yay!
7 days till my birhtday!
Word. I've been watching DragonBall GT. it's awesome...its a DBGT marathon, it's still on now, it's up to when Goku was sucked into that big hole, and now he's fighting Fiezer and Cell again. wow, but i can't be bothered to watch anymore of it.
it looks like its gonna rain. but you never know.
oooo, i'm listening to Tool - Parabola. that's an awesome song...okay well i made this because i was bored...
Digimon (season 1 & 2) | Created by rhinestoner and taken 2 times on bzoink! | Who is you're favourite character? | Izzy | Who pissed you off the most? | Cody, Sora and Yolei | Were you attracted to any of the characters? if so, who was it? | Izzy, Tai and Matt...rawr! | Which character would you want to be? | Tai | Whose crest do you like the best? | Tai's | What is your favouite digimon? | Tentomon and Kabuterimon..meh it's the same thing | if you had a digimon, which one would you like to have? | Meramon | Didn't Cody and TK's DNA digivoled digimon look gay? | Hahaha, i reckon! | Did you like how both the series ended, or did you want more? | I wanted another series...since there WAS gonna be another one! biatch! | could i be anymore boring (i'm tired!)? | Yes, you suck! | Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
yeah, whatever. lol. i better go, coz it's the thing to do.
word up!
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Zedstef is coming over!
WOOT CYBORG 009!! he's hot.

HAHA, Zedstef just rang me, and i didn't answer the phone, coz i was too lazy....what a nob?!
the computer downstairs is getting fixed. dang yo! it's finally getting upgraded to windows XP. YAY!!!!!!
anyway, on a better note. i rock and i'm gonna stop typing now.
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
WHOOO HOOOO...yeah...
Sup everybloody!?
i went shopping today. woot! i got a huge Digimon poster. it's awesome. i'll be puttin that on my wall soon, it just needs to be flattened out!
My parents are putting up the christmas lights. lol it's funny...coz it can....

haha... i had nothin..^ as you could tell. by that pic i drew of izzy...phfft, i don't draw him a lot!...hehe.
i'm hungry....hummmmm, yeah....well i better be off, coz i'm bored.
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
Digimon rox my socks!
woo hooo!
i stayed the night at Zedstef's last night. it was awesome!! we watched so many anime...just like when she stayed over my house! woot!
we watched Kenshin (man, he's hot!), dragonball, the movie. the digimon movie. dragonballz movie something to do with bojack... word...i can't remember what it's called...shit.
my tape of digimon, which goes for like...3 1/2 hours...woo hooo. damn i love digimon!!!
i found all these really awesome pictures from the digimon movies! it's awesome...i'm bored, so i'm gonna post them!

"i can't believe she's gonna read my letter"

...he's running...

"get outta my way"...damn i love when izzy says that..DAMN!

"Hi i'm matt and i'm hot...and this is TK..who...is...my little brother..." shit i had nothin...

"AH! there's...something...wrong with me!"

..shit i can't remember what he says...lol

haha, he needs to pee...real bad...

oh yeah...that's what i'm talkin about!!!
and i have to add this pic before i go, because it is so hot!!!

damn izzy...WHOA, he's fine is that one!!!
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
*yawns* i'm so tired...
i didn't get to sleep till 12 last night. lol, i was too busy making short, yet disturbing stories on the msn pictures to zedstef, lol...oh man, i nearly hosed myself. it was hilarious.
today i'm going to order my formal pictures. YAY!! i hope i look good... '~'... whatever.
woo hooo 22 days till my 18th bithday. i can't wait!!!!!!!!!

that's my formal..woo hoo, i'm the chick...lol. yay! i look like i'm thinkin 'oh yeah, i'm the bomb"...
okay you court me out...i'm got nothin...i better go. byes!
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Friday, December 3, 2004
I coloured Tai in...

DAMN, i so hate paint, i want a better program!! meh...well, it's all good, paint is easy!
YAY, i'm going to my friends house for dinner tonight. cool.
my mum is sick, :(...she has a bug or something. poor darling!
well...i better go..woot, 'duel masters is on...in 40 minutes..
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