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Friday, December 3, 2004
hahaha, check out tai!
i got bored last night, and drew some pics of tai. lol, and i love this one. his expression is hilarious...

it's when he's cooking the fish in the third episode. lol...okay...i got nothing. +_+
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
CC vs Dreamworld...+_+
I soooo, love jay-z and Lp's CC. oh man...it's hilarious! the dvd is great!!!

Chester: "i'll turn the poop track down"
Mike: "yeah and turn the suck off"
HAHA, word to ya motha!!! damn i love that quote....
when i went to 'dreamworld' a few weeks ago. (awesome) i just got these photos developed. man, it's awesome...this is me!!!!!

lol, i look so scared of that shark...*rolls eyes* WOOT!
HAHA, i had nothin...
i went to chermside today. (shopping center)with Zedstef, Pezza and Anna. it was fun. there were soooo many people...mostly old people, since it was penchiners (can't spell) day. fun fun. not, you have to dodge the old people, or they're run you down.
i bought a photo album, the digimon album on DVD. YAY!!! i already have it on video, but that takes effort to hook the VCR up. lol, i'm sooooo lazy.
digimon digital mons....lol.
i got bored...once again... so i coloured in my pic of shobu in 'paint', man that prgram sucks ass...

haha, now you can see how shit i cam at drawing straight lines. hahaha...
whatever...gotta bun!! i mean go...
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Monday, November 29, 2004
as you can see...i changed the colours of my site...since i felt like it...
woo hooo...
okay, yesterday i went into the city with zedstef, and our friend Bec, i kinda felt sorry for her since all we talked about was anime, and she's not into anime. she said she didn't care...
yeah, the point for us to go into the city was to find awesome anime stuff...but their was jack-shit. it sucked...we looked around for a bit...and i was itching to buy something. which i did, YAY, i bought Linkin Parks new album 'Jay-Z, Linkin Park collision course'...

word up. man i love 'jigga what/faint' that song rocks ass.
oh, and i also got a LP calender for 2005. oohhh yeah!!

man, mike is sooooo hot *o*
umm...i went to westfield and got 'the frightners' on dvd. man i love that movie... i'll find a picture for some reason...(as you can tell i like pictures. lol)

"FRAAAANK!...FRAAAANK!" HAHAHA...sorry, i just find it funny...
and....umm, what else can i put in here?

WHOO HOOOOOOOOO...okay i'm done...for now...lol BYES.
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Thursday, November 25, 2004
well today is pretty boring.
i just watched 'scary movie 3' god damn, that's a funny movie. i've seen it soooo many times.
meh, anyway, i also watched 'duel masters' this morning. whoo hoooo!!!

YAY. oh, last night i bought a 100 piece puzzle of 'gatling skyterror'. it's a monster on DM.
i'll find a picture of it...
well, i couldn't find one, but i found shobu...WOOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

better goooooo.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
oh, and before i finished school, i did a t-shirt design of shobu. lol. you like it?

woo hoo!!! i got an A- for it!!!
anyway, i'm all good. cya round.
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Man, i am so pissed off right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!
firstly, my computer is a piece of crap, it won't let me use the mouse and it won't change out of 16 bit colour mode. and it won't let me listen to music or go on MSN, BAH!!!!
and secondly i just found out today that my ex-best friend is down at schoolies (which is like spring break, or whatever) after she told me that she wasn't going down there because she didn't have enough money to go. and when she told me that, i got all pissed off coz i couldn't affored it, because i had the exact money to go if she was gonna go...so yeah, i just found out today that she is down there with other people!!!!!
AAAAARRRRGH this is soooo pissing me off....*takes deep breath* fuck this...i need a drink.
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
beyblader, an answer for your question about the graduating thingy.
alrighty, i live in australia, which means that our seasons are different. our summer starts in december and finishes in feburary. that means we have our summer holidays at the end of the year! woot!
and in the land down under, we usually start our school year on 29th January and finish on the 19th of december...or something like that. but since i'm in grade 12, i'll be finishing quite soon.
i'll be graduating next week on the 17th. WOO HOO!
tomorrow i have an exam for BCT (which is Business, Communication and Technology) and Ancient History. hooray! can't wait to get that over with.
there's a storm happening outside. WHOA, that thunder was loud...i think i better get off the computer... O.O
oh shit...looks like hail. gotta fly!!!! CYA!
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Monday, November 8, 2004
WOO HOOOOOOOO! 7 school days to go before i graduate!!!

yeah, that's right!!!!!!!

hey, that's not nice....

ummm, nikki...

lol, i better stop doing that...

like i said...i better go.. hahaha...word...man, could i be anymore boring?
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Saturday, November 6, 2004
I just added some fanart i did last night. i like the shobu one the bestest ^v^...
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Friday, November 5, 2004
It's Saturday. boring!
i watched Digimon this morning, it was one of the epiodes that Jun (Davis's sister) is trying to get to the camp site where Matt, Tai and Izzy went to. lol, tomorrows the next episode, and it's the funniest one. HAHA!
i found the script to it on the net. haha, check it!
this is tomorrows ep. man, i can't wait, i haven't seen that one for a while. woo hoo!
Jun: Hey Matt! I made it!
Tai, Izzy, & Matt: *shocked and panic-stricken*

Matt: *hits himself in the head* Oh no! She followed us! She's like a boomerang that keeps coming back!
Jun: It's funny... but when you drove off with your tires screeching you didn't realize you left me standing there.
Matt: My bad. Sorry out that! I must of forgot!
Jun: Oh! Where are Davis and the others?
Tai: Aahag.. *frozen with panic*
Matt: I think Tai knows. Hey, Tai! Do you know where the others went?
Tai: *scratches his head* Let me think about that for a sec. *panics* Ahh... Izzy... weren't you the last one to see them?

Izzy: *panics* Daaaa... ummm... of course... I'll go find them right now!
[runs off with his laptop]
Jun: Hmmm...
Izzy: Oh great! What am I suppose to do?
[digiport opens]
The digiport is opening!
New Digidestined: *screaming as they come through the portal*
[land on Izzy]
Jun: Did you hear that noise?
Tai: It could be a wild animal.
Matt: Yeah. The woods are a dangerous place. You better leave quick!
Tai: I'll tell Davis you stopped... *sees everyone walking* by...
Tai, & Matt: Huh? *confused and embarrassed* *blink* *blink*
Tai: Aaahera...
Matt: There they are!
Davis: Hey Jun... who invited you out here?
Jun: Matt did!
Tai, & Matt: Eeeegh... *sigh*
Later on when they are all getting ready to go home and packing up the van...
Jun: Hey guys! Wait for me!
Tai: Aaarghh... that was a close one.
Jun: Hey! Would it be OK if I got a ride home with you guys? I don't wanna take the bus all by myself!
Davis: No way! Not in a million years - Take the bus!
[gets in van]
It's not my fault you came all the way out here!
Jun: It's not fair!
Matt's father: Come on kids. That's not nice.
All: Huh?
Matt's father: Someone take the bus home with Jun.
Jun: That's very nice of you sir and I already have the perfect volunteer in mind!
Matt: *panics* And the absolute perfect volunteer is TK!!!
Matt's father: Matt! You take the bus home with Jun!
Matt: *panics more* Huh? I'm broke!
Matt's father: There's more than enough here. *hands Matt money*
Tai: Have fun you two!
Izzy: Have her back before curfew!
Matt: *desperate - offers money to Tai* I'll trade for your seat!
Jun: *giggles*
[shuts van door in Matt's face]
Don't be silly! You'll sit with me!
Matt: *panics like crazy* Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!!

[van starts]
Jun: Come on hunk!
[hooks her arm with Matt's']
We better get catch the bus. It will be a long ride!
Matt: Aaaa... aaa... aaa... *begs* Please TK! you can have my college money!!!!!
[van starts to leave]
Matt: huh... huh... huh... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!
All: *laughing*
Jun: Bub-bye!
Kari: See ya in four hours! *laughs*
Matt: Ahuhaaaa...
Jun: *giggles*
Matt: *breaks down*
*sigh* I give up!

oh man, i'm bored...
12 days left of high school. then i'm off into the real world........AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
Shobuuuuuuuu....okay that's enough of that. byes...lol.
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