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Thursday, November 4, 2004
mwhahaha, i just made this....
see who yours is...it's pretty much for the girls...but whatever...lol! *.* i got Izzy...hehe
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Wednesday, November 3, 2004
I have an art speech tomorrow, and i have NO IDEA what the hell i'm gonna say. i needs to go for about 8 minutes, and i've only got about 350 words. DAMN IT!
anyway. other than that, i'm bored. i have the day off school today, since i asked my mum and she's like. "you don't need to go today" and i'm like, "WOOOOOO YAY!"

"huh, stupid art"

awwwwwwww...oh crap, that reminds me i had a weird dream last night...
okay, i was with the tai, matt, izzy, sora...etc at this jetty/peer because there was a huge digimon there. i remember agumon digivolving into greymon, and them a huge wave knocked us into the ocean. i made it onto the beach with tai, but everyone else was lost. OH NO! lol...
Then the sun came up and tai and i decided to look for the others. On tai digivice there was a signal of another digi-person. we followed it and it was under the jetty/peer there was a cave/medical center (which was apparently izzy's house...haha, stupid dream)...anyway, i went in by myself, and i say izzy's dad, which he looked like the old guy out of yu-gi-oh, and i asked "is izzy here?" and he's like, "he's on his bed". i was like...fair enough. then i went down to his room, he was lying on his bed with his back facing me. i walked around and it looked like he was crying or something. i asked, "are you okay?" as i knelt down.....then tai came in, and i can't remember what happened next.
WOW, wasn't that awesome!?
i think i'll add one more picture...

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Saturday, October 30, 2004
i have an english speech on tuesday. oh yeah, it's gonna be sooooo fun. not. i haven't even fiished writing my speech yet. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
oh well, i get that. i'm bored. it's 12.30pm and i got nothin to do. i'm just gonna add some pics...i suppose...lol i got nothin...

"Nikki, you got nothin!"

ohhh, izzy...lol.
anyway, that reminds me, i bough vol. 5 of the first digimon tapes. lol, woot! i watched it the other day. i think i have one picture from one of the episodes....*20 minutes later* okay, i don't...lol.
i just did a quiz...and i'm izzy...damn i suck...NERD! meh it's all good, i love izzy!
 Izumi Koushirou
Which Digimon Adventure Chosen Child Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
i better go...byes!
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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Good evening! It's Tuesday night, and do you know what that means?....that CSI is on tonight...and so is Cold Case...damn i love that show!
i watched 'Duel Masters', man i love that show. it's so funny. SHOBUUUUUU!
i'm screwed for art. damn it. oh well, i made this....i think its groovox...whatever that means...

haha. isn't it great?
anyway. there's like 30 minutes till CSI comes on, so i better go have a shower. byes...i'll leave you with sexy pictures of SHOBUUUUU!

word to ya motha!
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Friday, October 22, 2004
MSN display pics!!
School is finally over for the week. YAY!!!
Thanks to all the people who are visiting my site. it's great! woo yay!
well, heres the pics you have for msn. hehehe.

There we are! that's all, at the moment....i'll have some duel masters up too....well soon anyway. lol. SHOBUUUUUUUU! (personal joke with zedstef) lol.
anyway i better bun. byes!
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Sunday, October 17, 2004
Yay! I have today off from school!!! Thank god!
It's been raining all weekend, its great, since it hasn't rained here in a long long time! woot!

Oh My Gosh! i watched that episode the other day...*sobs* I love it...poor Izzy. mwhahahaha....errr...
well then....that's all i got...next post, i'll post some digimon msn display pictures for you guys to take. mwhaha...anyway...byes.
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
Today's Sunday. Wow! I'm bored as. Its only 1.06pm and I'm bored!
Well, to get rid of my boredness I'm gonna post some pics! Yay!
Shobu! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
*Drools* Jin Kazama from Tekken!!
Well...I'm tired of doing nothing...he's one more pic to post before i go somewhere...

Hehe, yeah, it had to be something to do with Digimon. ^v^
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
Firstly, i wanna say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM! LOVE YA!!"
And, well, since it's a half day of school today, i totally watched the episodes of Digimon that i taped like 3 years ago. oh man, i love that show.
AND! i remembered another show that i used to watch...about 4 years ago. its "Flint: The Time Detective"...man that show rocked ass!!!

I love that show!!! Go Flint!
Awww, i'm so in love with digimon right now. lol...well, not as much as i was when it first started....but anyway!

Woot, Tai and Izzy...haha, i love the look on Tai's face....
well, i better get going...and wait for Duel Masters to start. Oh. YEAAAAAH!!!
byes...Zedstef...*shakes fist* i'm warning you!! sorry, i got nothin again!
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
Word Up, Yo!
YAY! I watched Monster Rancher. Man, that brought back some memories. *sighs* ahhh, the memories. lol.
I added a couple more drawings to my fanart page...if you wanna look see, what i did. i like the izzy piccy i did, it's cute.

Oh, I don't really wanna go to school tomorrow. Its gonna be really boring...
this is gonna me during school...

And me, when i get home...
lol...wow...tomorrows gonna be the bomb ^.~ Blah!
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Friday, October 8, 2004
I'm so god-damn bored!
Today, i watched Duel Masters, OMG, it was the funniest episode i have see so far. Man, it was hilarious.
Shobu was taken away by a little baby so they could duel alone, and when the baby stopped his rocket powered pram (LMAO), Shobu ran straight into the back. Haha, it was so great...

I drew that, well that's how i remember how he looked... hahaha... ^v^
Anyway, on the means of anime, tomorrow i'm gonna watch my old tape of Monster Rancher. i so love that show.

Right on super lady! yeah...that's right, i've got nothin...
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