AIM JediRhith Website Click Here Yahoo! Messenger huzzah_tis_rhi
Birthday 1989-12-07 Gender
Female Location Silent Hill Member Since 2007-03-22 Occupation Jedi, Ninja, Doctor, Student Real Name Rhith
Achievements Click Here for My Mangas Anime Fan Since Since 5th Grade Favorite Anime Death Note, Trigun, Naruto, FMA, Fruits Basket, Saiyuki, and so many more. Goals Go to college. Hobbies Photo/Video Editing, Making Wallpapers, Playing Video Games Talents None? Rhith
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Lucky Eric & Dongwan (Shinhwa)
Time: 10am
Mood: Tired/Bored/COLD
Song: Hey Come On! (English) - Shinhwa
Woke up at 6:15am and went to the Gym.
Played some FFIII and now we are gonna go food shopping at some point.
Yesterday my dad was off so we took a day trip to Santa Clara.
Went to the HUGE mall there...only for the Lego store. XD
My sister got this pirate ship. On the way home we stopped at Gamestop.
I got final Fantasy III for DS. We love Katamari and Trauma Center for Wii.
My KPop theme! Whoo!
Left side From Top to Bottom: Koyote, MC Mong, Fly to the Sky, Se7en, NRG and Turbo
Right side From Top to Bottom: The TRAX, Super Junior T, DBSK, Bi (Rain), Shinhwa, H.O.T
Please just check out my stuff. I have Shinhwa, H.O.T, DBSK, Se7en, Super Junior, Fly to the Sky,
and many othe KPop Stars! (I have a few JRock ones too) JediRhith@DA
=ShinHOT Tribute=
Please watch If you haven't! By Me!
(Yes the video is small...-_-; Stupid program)
=Questions of the Day=
This or That:
1. KPop or JPop
2. Yellow or Orange
3. Monkeys or Gorillas
4. Spaghetti or Sesame Noodles
5. Tv or Video Games
Me: 1. KPop!
2. Yellow
3. Monkeys
4. Sesame Noodles (Like both though)
5. Video Games
=Wallpaper of the Day=
Title: CMH Red Wallpaper
Comment: When he was young! (He is the Person of the Day)
(Click for Full view)
=Person of the Day=
Name: Chun Myung Hoon
Group: NRG
Comment: First saw him on Love Letter. He is very funny! He is also very cute!
I found out he is a singer in the boyband NRG. (So far they are still around)
=Video of the Day=
Person: Chun Myung Hoon
Group: NRG
Song: Run! (It's his Solo Song)
Group: NRG
Song: Messenger
Comment: Aww little Chun Myung Hoon!
Person: Chun Myung Hoon
Show: New XMan
Comment: He is dressed as a woman...XD
It was his first time on XMan and he does this.
Also he does his cute poses at the end.