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myOtaku.com: Rhyio Ohkie

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Yunarena13 (12/24/03)

I find you to be slightly disturbed. I like that. I'm adding you as a friend. Stop by sometime.

"The Dark One"

Lucky Star (11/26/03)


wuzup?!Just wanted to say hi & you have a pretty cool site here and the other site!I hope your better soon!Well,I got 2 go but talk to 'ya laterz!!Bye!

ibdirty2003 (11/13/03)

hey i was lookin through random members and u came up well im goin 2 put u on my friends list i hope u do the same

Lord Prozen (11/04/03)

Sorry I didnt sign your guest book sooner. I just got on myotaku for the first time in a few months lol. so now im signing all the peoples guest books who signed mine while I wusnt on.

onewingedangel (11/02/03)

helllllllllllllllloooooooooooooo, just dropping by to say hi :)

InuyashaGirl8803 (10/30/03)

Cool site... sorry I'm still trying to get over my attack of pornerific popups... Not something I needed at all.... anyways, come visit my site and sign my GB... assure me that the porn thing will never happen again, I need reassurence...

moldy headbread (10/27/03)

just browsin through the member list, lookin at some sites, and i clicked yours and happen to realize your a friend of snowfox. she's my best friend's sister!

princesskagome05 (10/27/03)

Hi there! I saw that u new my friend, so I stop by to sign ur GB. I'm also from the windy city!Come visit my site sometimes!^_^


dippydude01 (10/25/03)

SO finaly I made my post so quit nagging aight.

snow fox (10/24/03)

i don't know if i'd qualify to be a mini-god, but i'd definitely qualify to be mini ^_^; talk to ya later, peace!

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