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Sunday, November 30, 2003
I haven't been fucked like that since gradeschool
And just what is that supposed to mean? 1) I've been watching too much Fight Club 2) I felt uber shitty last night. I just got totally down. However, I feel much better today since I have a total shitload of schoolwork to do. Just like last year, I started out okay, then got lazy and now I'm slowly going downhill. BLAH. Well, I better get to work.
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Thursday, November 20, 2003
Well, hell week's over, but it took it's toll...I went to school on Monday, had to go home Tuesday, and haven't been back since. So anyways, at least my site got updated...::shamelessly plugs::...so yeah. I've just been sitting around watching T.V. and sleeping and being sick and decrepit in general, so there's really nothing much to report. Hopefully I'll go back to school tomorrow (oh joy) and then there'll be something to report. See ya then!
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Tuesday, November 18, 2003
Evil Homer...er...Mono...
Had to come home from school...I felt crappy, so I went to the nurse. All the beds were taken, so I sat down and ended up falling asleep in a chair. My mom came to pick me up from school (dad's on a business trip, otherwise he works at home) and I got here and have been playing Neopets. Damn, they're so addictive! I love my cool little shout box thing too...anyways, I had something to talk about...oh yeah! My friend Bobbi Jo, who works with my dad, was over thru Friday 'till today when she went w/ him on the buiness trip. She left here cat Stanley here, and he'll hopefully keep my cat Sassy "company"...*ahem*. Don't worry, he's fixed. But seriously, I hope they do it (I have a reason! No, not that!) because Sassy won't stop yowling! She comes in at 4 o'clock in the morning and often wakes me up! Grrr!
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Sunday, November 16, 2003
Not much happened to-day (GAH!! STUPID All Quiet on the Western Front!) Just thought I'd post to keep y'all comin' back for more ;) Seeya tomorrow!
P.S. Check out my site, I updated it with a neato shout box like the one I put up here.
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Saturday, November 15, 2003
Almost Over!
I got one more showing of the play tonight, and then ITS OVER!!! YESSSS!!!! No more staying at school 'till 10 O'CLOCK AT FREAKIN' NIGHT!!! 'BOUT TIME!! Lol, anyways, I have a hair appointment at 1:30, then at 5:30 is the tech call for the play. After the creww will go to Chili's or IHOP like we always do. By the way, does anybody have any Thanksgiving anime pictures, original, fanart, or otherwise? I've tried to Google it, but all I get is porn (maybe later ;))...well, that's about it for now...oh, and the next time I post, I'll probably have blue highlights! XD
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Thursday, November 13, 2003
Gettin' There...
Well, we did the first run of the school play, "Fools" by Neil Simon, tonight. It went really well, and the props crew (which I'm on) didn't screw anything up! Oh joy! Aaron was so proud he gave me a hug! Lol, anyways, I get out of school early tomorrow because we do the play for the shitty ditty seniors in the morning and then go home at 11 o'clock, so I should be able to update my site then ('bout time!). So seeya then!
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Monday, November 10, 2003
Yay! Sleepy time!
Well, fanfics that were way too good for my own good kept me up extra late finishing my English paper. I'm still gonna bomb the history test tomorrow, probably worse than ever...::sigh::. Production week starts tomorrow, but so I don't get a mono relapse I'll be coming home early certain nights (mind you early is 6:30)...Oh gosh darnit! lol, that way I can at least get some rest. Basically, if I don't get my freakin' act together, my grades are gonna go down the tube just like they did last year. Any tips for help in gettin' my shit together would be greatly appriciated! I love you all! ::blows kisses::
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Sunday, November 9, 2003
Grrrr! Homework is soooo stupid!!! Watching I Love the 80's Strikes back right now while waiting to leave for church. When I come home I should take a TON of history notes, but instead I'll probably use the internet to fill out the study guide. Well not much else to tell...this week is production week at tech, so don't expect too many blog updates. Sorry! But, here's a quiz to tide y'all over!

Which Jhonen Vaquez character are you? By EmReznor.
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Thursday, November 6, 2003
Hell Week is...well...
Hell week has started at tech, and it managed to make my mono symptom shit flare up again. So I thought it would be a great time to try and start blogging again. Yay for blogs!!! So I've been borrowing the manga Mars from Hilary, and I think I'm becoming OBSESSED! I love it soooooo much. Haven't watched too much anime lately, but I haven't checked with Hilary to see if she's got anything new, and I haven't bought an issue of Newtype in a while, so yeah. Well, I'm gonna go work on some homework and perhaps my site (not neceserily in that order...heh) or maybe just take another four hour nap...yeah...Zzzzzzz...Zzzzzzz...
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Saturday, November 1, 2003
Raaandom Postage
Okay, so yesterday I went trick-or-treating, and like an hour or so after I go home my friend Jim shows up and kidnapps me. I wasn't worried until he started talkin' about going to visit Steve, his boyfriend who is in a military school like 4 HOURS AWAY. But soon I found out that he just needed kidnapping me as an excuse to go meet Steve at this one gas station. So me and Christina went into the gas station and flirted with the hot guy, then he told us we'd been there for like 2 hours. So we went up to the car and it wasn't moving (lol) so we snuck up and banged on the windows real loud and then Steve sat up and yelled at us then Jim yelled at him for yelling at us. So eventually I got home, so it's allllll good.
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