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Tuesday, October 28, 2003

   Just Call Me Bridget
Number of boyfriends Krista has: 0 Number of boyfriends Megan has: 0 Number of boyfriends Jenna/number of tech dads I have: 1 Number of boyfriends I have/number of dads my tech children have: 1!!!!!!!

GO! ME! GO ME!!!! Anywho, yeah...happy day for me!!! Less being alone, one less thing to get depressed about...not that there's a lot of other things, lol, but thats not the point. As much as I love Krista and Rachel, they're boy magnets, and it's nice to be the one on top for once (wish I was guilty about this point but I'm not). So anywho, yeah, not much else to report on, lol....Halloween soon! Yay!

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Monday, October 27, 2003

So I wrote down all that stuff I have to do for school on a to-do list, feeling nice and organized (if I can stick to scheduel, ::cough cough::). Friday has become less of a guilt trip and more of a fun story, lol. Basically, I feel a lot better and...yeah. Got a lot of work to do (gaaah) and it's Might-As-Well-Be-Hell Week at Tech, so lots of stuff to do. Byeeee!
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Sunday, October 26, 2003

   A Return To Normalcy
Wathcing Heathers right now. Great high school satire movie. But anyways, I went to church today, which is helping take away some of the guilt I'm feeling from Friday night. Anways, I have a "no regrets, just learn from your mistakes" kind of policy (basically I won't go all out at the next con), so I'm trying not to let it get to me too much. I'm hoping going to school and getting back into the routine will help was it away. It's mostly gone anyways thought, so yeah. Hopefully Carie won't try to tell Jenna or anything ::hint hint::. Well, that's about it for my life. In recap, I'm guilty about getting wasted and I'm watching Heathers. Nice bed time story, huh?
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Saturday, October 25, 2003

   ...And The Rest
Since my con post was so long, I thought it best to put my other thoughts and happenings in a seperate post. Let's see...I got my dad's record player out the other day and hooked it up to my stereo. However, I need an amplifier, so I'm gonna start saving up my money for that. School's going okay, but I got a couple of papers to right, which is gah. My messenger bag broke, which is a curse and a blessing. I have to drag it down the hallways, but when I do this it trips people up and can be quite amoosing. On Friday I was dragging it and turned, catching a cheerleader by the ankles and causing her to fall flat on her face. Truely a classic. I'm supposed to go to a movie w/ Jake tonight...yes, I have a hot date, lol. Well, a witty date anyways...but that's not the point! The point is I get to see School of Rock for the 3rd time, lol. Well, not much else to say...sorry I didn't post for so long, like I said, school has kept me busy now that I am healty again.
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   Baby's First Con
I went to my first con yesterday! So I had a half day at school yesterday (as you would know if you, for some reason, choose to read my posts regularly), and I went online afterschool. Carie got online and asked me if I wanted to go to Anime Reactor w/ her, and of course I said yes. However, knowing we wouldn't be back to her place 'till 1 or 2 in the morn, I chose to tell my dad I was gonna sleep over there, so my parents have no idea about this whole thing. You'll see later in the story that this is a very, very good thing. On the way to the Rosemont center we went to BK for lunch and I got a Hamtaro toy, so this became a huge joke between Carie and myself. When we got to the con, I registered and got my very first con tag! (It was later lost...sniff). On it I put my pimped out name, Jess Jezz, and the catch phrase "Ham it up, yo!" The first thing we did was went to the dealer's room. Wow. Just. Wow. I was sooo overstimulated. I was going to buy a messenger bag because mine broke, but alas, I didn't have that much money. However, I did manage to spend the money that I had on an angry moose, a sushi keychain, a vibrating Totoro (of doom!), and others. We went to the game room and saw Angelina's con buddy, Walker the Stalker. We met his friend Chase, who tagged along w/ us after the rest of his group went up to their room to drink. We went to Straight Eye for the Queer guy, a panel which (unbeknownst to me) was a yaoi panel. However, I do love yaoi so, and so I stayed and listened to talk from some people including my new role model, Heather. Carie got little Mr. Right and Mr. Perfect things that you put in water and they grow (I got a prize for mentioning that they weren't anatomically correct) and Chase got 2 skeleton ones, or a "double boner" as it was...::shudder:: It was super fun, and I left very happy. Since the dance didn't start 'till 11, Chase went up to his room and Carie and I wandered around and talked to the other connies. I also started asking people what they would do for a Klondike bar, and when one girl wanted a prize, I gave her a quater. I do believe I have started a tradition, lol. Some people got a quarter and a penny if there answer was good, maybe even a quarter and a nickle. However, Hot Zell had the ultimate answer and got two quarters. His answer was...::drumrool::..."you." Drool. Carie's going again today and a told her to tell Zell that there will be a Klondike Bar waiting for him at ACen, hehe. Later we went up to Walker and Chase's room, and they became our (or rather really just my) alcohol liasons. They had a computer in the room and a PS2 w/ this really cool game. The Asian Guy and The Mexican Who Isn't Mexican were there too. Carie was a little focused on the game and failed to supervise me and my alcohol consumtion. Alas, it has been a while since I've been with my friend Jose Cuervo, so needless to say (I think) I got totally smashed. I remember Carie and Walker having a tickle fight, and from around 10 to about 1, I don't remember a damn thing. Now I used to go to my friend Jim's house and get smashed, but that was about 2 or 3 years ago. From about 10 to 1ish, I dont remember a damn thing. However, it is said that I am still a very happy drunk who likes to laugh and sing. I'm actually kind of glad I don't remember that part because I apparently got sick, then passed out, then woke up, then passed out. At that point Carie's mom came to collect us. Not cool, you might think. Wrong. Jan is a very understanding woman who has a wonderful don't-ask-don't-tell policy with people's parents, and also doesn't mind much if we do things that teenagers really ought not be doing. I woke up in the car at about 1, I remember singing the song "Tomorrow" from Annie, and then we got to Carie's house and fell asleep as soon as I layed down. Lucky for me, Jan gave me some ibprofen before I went to bed, so I didn't have a headache this morning. I was a little dizzy and queasy at first, but allin all not too bad. I had some oatmeal and kept it down and also took a shower. In closing, I think my first con was a total success...I think.
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Friday, October 24, 2003

Half Day!
I had a half day at school today! Yaaay! Watching I Love the 80's Strikes Back, which is better than I Love the 70's, but not as good as I Love the 80's. But that's really not the point now is it? The point is that I'm gonna do a bunch of work on my site, so go check it out. ::hint hint::
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Wednesday, October 22, 2003

   Meh. Just...meh.
Feelin' pretty mehish today. Not much to report on. Got an oral thrashing in tech...gah...and got about 2 or 3 papers to write...history test tomorrow...GAH GAH GAAAH! So..yeah. Just...yeah.
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   What a Concept!
Sorry I haven't blogged in so so very long, I've just been uber busy lately w/ school. Also, there's not been much to update on my website so I kinda...umm...forgot ::hides from beating:: Well it's kinda late, so I'll try and blog tomorrow, cyas all then.
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Monday, October 13, 2003

   Done Bum = Happy Bum
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Sunday, October 12, 2003

   Busy Bum = Happy Bum
Yes! I'm actually being productive for once! Though I'm a little tired, I'm feeling pretty productive, and I've got Questia up right now doing research on the diseases that the person I'm interviewing has. As much as I hate to be a walking advertisement, Questia is a great site for research. It's an online library with sooo many books. Sure it's a pay site, but it's worth it. Anyways, of to work now...arn't you proud? Oh, and if anyone knows what the deal is with Killer Coding Ninja Monkeys, please tell me!!!
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