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Sunday, October 12, 2003

   Lazy Bum = Happy Bum
Remember how I said I was gonna do all that stuff yesterday? I didn't. And am I gonna do it tonight? Let's face it: probably not. I know, I know, I'm a lazy bum. But I'm a happy lazy bum. And quite frankly, I like it a lot better that way. Besides, I always seem to get the best grades on the papers and projects I finish the night before/morning that they're due. And by the way, if for some reason I do get the questions sent tonight, all y'all will be the first to know. I promise. Oh yeah, and sex in treetops with creatures. The End.
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Saturday, October 11, 2003

Tonight, my plans for world domination will all come together....that is if your definition of world domination is catching up on school work. I'll write the 10 interview questions I've been putting off for ever so long and e-mail them, thereby completing my interview for my interview paper and getting the hardest part over with! Yay! If you haven't read my posts before of haven't checked in in a long, long while, you're probably wondering why I'd even consider spending my Saturday night doing homework. Well, I still have to rest because of my mono, so I'm not going anywhere. However, I will get to go out this Friday! YES! So don't expect a post then, just one the following Saturday raving about red velvet cake and anime and getting to say RICKY!!!! However, some of you still question why I am spending Saturday doing homework. I wanna get it over with. I just do. So......yeah. Honestly, I'll just end up doing it while watching horror movies and eating one of my bizarre things-from-tupperware-on-a-bun sandwhiches, but that's how things get done around here (including my site). Wow, wasn't that a subtle hint. Oh yeah, some of my art should be on the net soon. Should be 'round Monday or Tuesday, since Carie (friend with scanner) is off at Kazucon...I think. I'm not sure which one she's at 'cause she goes to about 7 cons a year including one every weekend this month. Lucky bi-....hey, when'd you get here? Can't a person talk to themselves in privacy anymore? Well, sayonara.....FOR NOW!!!! BWAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!
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Friday, October 10, 2003

FRIDAAAY! Okay, so I'm stuck in the house all day, but it's still not that bad 'cause I'm probably gonna wanna take a 5 hour nap soon. Anyways, sorry I haven't posted in so long, just not much to say lol. All of my friends now have strange diseases though. I have mono, and we think Angelina has mono because she stole my strawberry milk the week before I was home from school for a whole week and her lymphnodes are swollen. And she shared some spit w/ Josh, so he'll probably get mono. And Carie....well, Carie went to a con a played pass the glowstick w/ her mouth, and she missed school on Thursday, so...yeah. Of course, this wouldn't be the first time she got a strange illness from random guys at a con (she made out w/ a guy cosplaying a pirate, and is the discoverer/first victim of piratemanitis). Yeah. That's....about it. Oh, I helped Angelina put up her site, so that's cool. Also, I've made a lot of updates on my site, so I encourage you to check that out (hint hint). So yeah, I'll probably post some more when I think of some other stuff to post....yeah. Just. Yeah.
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Tuesday, October 7, 2003

   So funny I forgot to blog.
Oh no! I forgot to blog yesterday. That must mean I'm getting a....a....A LIFE!! AHH!!! In case you can't tell, I'm feeling a little silly today. I went to school yesterday from periods 1-4, so that was okay. Today I'm going to school from period 5 'till the end of the day, so that's why I'm still home now. I'm excited because most of the classes that I like better like chorus and lunch are then, and they're the classes where I get to see all my friends! Yaaaay! Well, I should go work on my room a little before I head off to school, byeee!
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Sunday, October 5, 2003

   Back to school, back to school....
....show my daddy I'm not a fool. Billy Madison, anyone? Goin' back to school tomorrow, actually kinda glad about it 'cause I get to see some of my buddies. However, I only get to go the 1st four periods, so that kinda sucks. Not worried about all the homework since I have a week to do all the stuff I missed (plus next weekend, so 9 days) but I'm worried about a history test. Plus I still have to do and interview and lots of other blahishness. Good thing is I can come home tomorrow, procrastonate for a while, and then get around to cleaning my room and doin' some of that school-related stuff. All in all, things are still...well....just, okay. Life goes on. And I'm okay with that. Are you?
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Friday, October 3, 2003

Friday night, spendin' it at home what with the mono at all....watchin' the Johnny Depp/Roman Polanski flick "The Ninth Gate", so things arn't so bad. Anywhore (you heard me), kinda missin' my friends, but I did get to see some of them today!! XD XD XD Saw Aaron and he complained 'cause he "misses that short,annoying element" and said I had to come back to school. XD XD XD Actually looking foward to school when I get to see my buddies again. Not so much lookin' foward to this weekend though, since basically all I'll do is sit around and watch movies (the good part) and do a week's worth of homework (the bad and majority part). Well, I guess I'll quit bitchin' for a while....but in retrospect, things arn't so bad....
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Actually getting around to watching my 2nd and 3rd Reign: The Conquerer DVDs...remembering why I love Reign and anime and life so much, lol. Feeling much better, though I'm watching it on my computer, thereby innogurating today as See-How-Many-Things-Your-Mom's-Computer-Will-Do-At-Once-Before-It-Blows-Up-In-Your-Face Day. Meh, not my computer, lol. My mom came home sick, which I think I mentioned. She's actually sleeping right here next to me (I've managed to conquere my parents bedroom somewhere in the course of this week). Should probably get back to seeing if I can actually do tables and watch anime at the same time now, lol. Just thought you other Otakus (spelling?) out there might like to hear about something in my life that actually has to do with anime, lol. HEY! I can type and watch anime at the same time! GO ME!!! Byeeee!
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   Sleeeeepy sleepy sleepy....
Feeling better...steroids are helping throat not hurt, but I'm still tired all the time, what with the mono. Mywebsite is coming along nicely, though, thanks to all the spare time, no doubt. Loving the HTML, gonna experiment with tables today, see if I can do it without screwing everything up...::cough:: unlikely ::cough cough::...anywho, my mom just came home. I think she thinks she got my mono....sensing slight jealousy in self....like she's stealing my thunder...and my nice big empty house....
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Wednesday, October 1, 2003

Yeah, haven't been to school all week. Feel like shit. Yeah, and guess who has MONO??!?!? BUM BUM BUM!!! Let the jokes begin...yeah, who have I been making out with? I wish....no one, I just kinda got it. From what I heard it's been goin' around. Anyways, sorry I haven't posted in so long, just...yeah. So yeah....I'll post more when I get any ideas...and stop falling asleep for no reason....::snooooore::
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Saturday, September 13, 2003

   Insomnia and Jackoffs
So I didn't sleep at all last night....literally. I just stayed up through the whole night. I was doing fine 'till I sat down for Spanish class and began constantly dozing off. So I went to the nurse's office and slept 2nd period. Rest of school day okay, then when to friend's house (jenna). Was fun, then had to go to ex b/f's b-day party. Was okay, but talks w/ Ricky has brought back anger at almost all men. All men jackoffs. Reading Bridget Jones sequel novel, and am now constantly thinking and writing in broken-up scentences a la novel. Hate men. Still hate men. Am 16 years old and allready know am going to die alone with 20 cats b/c whenever get too close to people they leave, deciding they don't really like me. I hate them. I hate myself. Arrrrrrghhhhhh.....
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