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myOtaku.com: Rhyio Ohkie

Saturday, October 11, 2003

Tonight, my plans for world domination will all come together....that is if your definition of world domination is catching up on school work. I'll write the 10 interview questions I've been putting off for ever so long and e-mail them, thereby completing my interview for my interview paper and getting the hardest part over with! Yay! If you haven't read my posts before of haven't checked in in a long, long while, you're probably wondering why I'd even consider spending my Saturday night doing homework. Well, I still have to rest because of my mono, so I'm not going anywhere. However, I will get to go out this Friday! YES! So don't expect a post then, just one the following Saturday raving about red velvet cake and anime and getting to say RICKY!!!! However, some of you still question why I am spending Saturday doing homework. I wanna get it over with. I just do. So......yeah. Honestly, I'll just end up doing it while watching horror movies and eating one of my bizarre things-from-tupperware-on-a-bun sandwhiches, but that's how things get done around here (including my site). Wow, wasn't that a subtle hint. Oh yeah, some of my art should be on the net soon. Should be 'round Monday or Tuesday, since Carie (friend with scanner) is off at Kazucon...I think. I'm not sure which one she's at 'cause she goes to about 7 cons a year including one every weekend this month. Lucky bi-....hey, when'd you get here? Can't a person talk to themselves in privacy anymore? Well, sayonara.....FOR NOW!!!! BWAHAHAAHAHA!!!!!!!
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