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myOtaku.com: Rhys Mayiessen

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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SesshTaisho (05/20/04)

Cool and nice Marik art.Please come by mine site sometime and sign my guest book.

purplebeef (02/25/04)

Hi! I really like your site, my site isnt even nearly as advacned as you but I hope to make it really good someday! Anyways would you minding visting my site if you find some time, and sign the gb and add me as a friend! I would be so grateful! If you do go though be sure to cast your vote in the Battlez of the Classic Rock Bandz! Well once again love your site and hope to see you around!!!

rafa (01/03/04)

yurikaze (12/29/03)

I like your name...very nice. Your artwork is too good. It keeps getting better. I wish I could shade and color like that. Keep posting. Anyways, i'm gonna add you as a friend, 'k? See ya laters, Rhys. ^_^

TheDarkComing (12/29/03)

Hey, Nice fanart. Your WAY better than I'll ever be. Stop by my site sometime if ya like, seeya!

Darkmoon (12/28/03)

Hola Rhys :D
Just stoppin' by to say hi, lol XD

crosscarsamurai (11/27/03)

Hey! I love your art! Esp. your pencil art! I wish I could draw like that... *sulks* neways keep up the good work!

artiztiklatino (11/25/03)

I like your pencil drawings, very cool. You should check out mine.

Gasara (11/04/03)

Thanks for the comments about my art . . . but aren't you a little mistaken? YOUR art has me in awe! Hehe. Seriously. I've never really been a fan of Yugi-Oh but your pictures rock! And yes, the voting system here is really weird!! Take care, Rhys.

Godel (11/03/03)

You stole our bit!! The unnessesary suffixes....aww...anyway, last time I checked wasn't Raenef a guy? o.o
Really love the drawing, though.

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