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Real Name
ummm I don't give my real name out but you can call me by my OC's name wich is Ria but pronounced Riya
Anime Fan Since
I actually don't know just that the first one was probably sailor moon...then my friend orochimaru395 got me back into it!Thank You!
Favorite Anime
Tsubasa!,Naruto Shippuden,Ouran Highschool Host Club,+Anime,Death Note,Mar,Tsubasa again...and a little bit of Fruits Basket and Trinity Blood
who needs goals when ur on the dark side?we have cookies!!!
being on the computer,talking to my friends,listening to music, I also enjoy skateboarding
swimming ,drawing,i'm sorta good at skateboarding...
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/21/07:
What Color Is Your Aura??? (7 breath-taking results!!!)
 Deep, understanding, and mature, you’re an extremely loyal person. You’re kind and helpful to the people close to you. People see you as a person who’s ready to branch out and understand and truly help a person, but also a closed-up bud. When it comes to your own feelings, you’re a little shy about expressing them. If you try your very best to open up…I guarentee you that the results will be shocking, beautiful, gorgeous and utterly astonishing. You seek for fairness and love, and even if your aura is green, you’re not as jealous as you look!Famous Green-Aura:Oprah WinfreyMost Compatible With: Grey-Aura, Pink-AuraLeast Compatible With: Orange-AuraQuote:“Every idea starts out with a seed, and every death ends with flowers on the grave.” –gomicha11At Your Best: Understanding, kind and lovingAt Your Worse: Distant, confusing and quiet Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/21/07:
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
 You need someone loyal. People have let you down since forever and you have always been left by yourself. Your life spark is now barely flickering and there is a big feeling of emptiness and hopelessness. You don't know what to do anymore in your life and everything has a sense of meaningless to it. Though you're not only sad, you also carry hate and many grudges on people. You have a hard time letting people in, but with your history you don't even desire that so much anymore. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/21/07:
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
 You need understanding. In your life there has been many people that could never seem too comprehend your personality. Now you have either become an out-cast because of their narrow minds or you have adjusted yourself to them, and never letting them see who you are deep inside. You now think that no one will ever understand you and you hate that fact. Though you are scared of what the effects might be if you would decide to let someone in so you keep a safe distance that you both curse and bless. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/21/07:
what goddess are you?
 you are the goddess of dark. Alone, in the darkness. Everyone is afaid of you and you only talk to the crows. your job is to protect earth from the moon and to keep the moon in balance. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/21/07:
WHAT THE?????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Result Posted on 07/21/07:
Result Posted on 07/18/07:
How HOT are u? According to me (hehe) =P (Girls only) (with anime pics)
Result Posted on 07/18/07:
What is your soft toned intrument?
 You are a violin. You are very held back and quiet. You do what you want and that usually means something quiet like reading or writing. You are calm and perhaps considered dark to some. But you rarly talk to anyone besides your close friend or family. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/18/07:
What do you look like in an anime form?
Result Posted on 07/18/07:
yay i luv snow!!
What Seasonal Goddess Are You?
 Your A Winter Goddess-You usually keep your emotions to yourself and arent really out there much as some others are. However, when you are out what you bring is a blanket of snow.Power: Bringer of Winter Take this quiz!
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