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Sunday, April 2, 2006

well yah i dont have much to say i just felt like i should post for the heck of it. ive been buzy lately so no art work. well maybe next time i'll have some thing to say.....
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Saturday, January 28, 2006

   new art
lol the one time i say i have nothing planed to upload and all the sudden i upload... anyways its a scketch that i like egnough so i put it up i think i may make a colored version but i dont know thats all i have to really say so yah...
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Monday, January 16, 2006

well i know i havent been udateding like a promised, but whatever, since i havent been on in awhile im a little shocked at the text, its so big.(im assuming that it isnt just my computer displaying the site weird)lol any ways i dont know if i'll put any art up soon, im just so buzy with school latey i just havent the time to work on anything of quality plus the few things i have drawn are just little practice stuff, i really im getting sick of my style so im just branching out. speaking of branching out im takeing a class about fusing glass, the fist class was on saterday, it was ok but umm the teacher reminded me of my old science teacher. really spacey.... but anyways ive got the art bug right now, got to go draw, i get ispired after i look at good art so i browse around on the otaku sometimes so yah im off.
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Sunday, January 8, 2006

   new years!
well its 2006, and christmas break is now over, i have been quite lazy lately as some might of noticed due to my lack of udates, o well i got a lot of good loot,lol. But more importantly i got to spend time with my cosins, guess what my second oldest cosin who is like 24 and married.Well during the dinner she found out from her husband(who was sick and couldn't come to the big family dinner) that his xbox 360 came in! Lucky.. i want one but dont quite have the money yet besides you have to get on a freaking long waiting list aww well i can survive with out one lol what i did get was a ton of math homework to catch up on over the break since our teacher doesnt check our work very often i can get away with be lazy and skipping work math really isnt that hard but it takes so long it fries my brain hmmm ive been rambleing for awhile havent i? well i better end my post for now. ~till next time~
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Monday, December 19, 2005

Wooo hooo its snowing!!!!! errr well it was, it stoped now. i live were it gets cold but hardly ever snows so im happy but at the same time sad the bad weather cause my freinds to be unable to go to a party that my other friend had plan. so it was cancled anyways im really lazy... im kind of in an artist slump right now i just am not happy with whatever i draw ooo well i'll get over it eventally so yeah i'll get some art up here some time soon Merry Cristmas! (lawyer wispers in ear) *sigh* i mean happy holidays so please dont sue me... its sad how policitly correct we have to be these days...............
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Saturday, December 3, 2005

   its 1 in the morning and im typing away......
well now i have no excuse to udate more often, why? because my personal computer has been fixed after mutiple problems occurd and now it has acess to the internet. this will be great for me since the amount of time which i have been able to use my family's main computer was getting pretty tight. i will still have to use it often though but still its going to be better. i was planing to udate eairly tonight but my wireless connection was goin haywire but its good now i do have some new art on the way its stetchs of my character locin once again but i have some art other than locin that im planing to upload too, we'll see if i get around to uploading it any time soon thoulh lol btw i want to make a shout out to shroud who finished working on his website thing he has been working on. well im out of things to say and im starting to feel tired so i guess i'll turn it for the night...
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Saturday, November 12, 2005

   New art
i just uploaded some new fanart! from what you ask? i have no clue... the other day at borders i got some import manga just to look at and to atempt to read a few words in hiragana, so if you know who he is please tell me anyways thats all i really have to say so, cya!
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Monday, November 7, 2005

i really am i know i was going to start udateing more now that soccer is over but i havent really had the time, well i have once or twice but someone has been on our family computer. so anyways im happy cause my freinds birthdays are coming up and i cant wait to give them their prestent. want me to tell you guys?*looks around with shifty eyes* sorry i cant cause some certain people might read this before their bithday and find out what their gift is. what i can tell you guys is that i saw chicken little today, not very funny as one might expect. i got to see it and 3-D, and it was still pretty lame, mostly is the movie didnt really flow. get what im saying? it was just like: event,reponse to event, event, responsce to event, event respone to event. serious. id say what the events were but for those who want to see the movie or just dont want me to tell you the ending. ok now for artwork update i have one drawing almost finished but i dont know if im going to put it up. cause its halloween related and i didnt finish it for halloween, but what do you guys think? should i put it up for the sake of puting up new art? or should i save it and post it next halloween. please give me imput. well that all i have to say have a good day o wait its night hmmmm i know! Konban wa everyone!
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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

   i working on some art!
well it might take awhile but i am working on it, as sad as i am that soccer season is over im glad that im going to have more free time to work on stuff...anyways im going to try and work on udateing a little bit more freqently so yeah thats all i have to say...
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

im only updating for the sake of updateing, nothing amazing happened this week....(hmm i sound a bit like Naota from FLCL) last night was homecoming at my school, it was fun but since im getting a cold it was a bit mirable since it was raining the whole time. Our class won second prize for our float lol the seniors won first place of course but im not complaining. anyways i have another school event tonight and afterwards my freinds and i are going to come over to my house and watch some anime, btw i probly wont have the time to post art any time soon....
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