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Saturday, October 8, 2005

   TOO MUCH MATH.......
its saterday, so im going to udate,so yeah this weekend im swamped with math homework, and i even have a little art homework but due to the fact i have to do so much math i can't seem to find insperation. ok yes i admit my huge pile of math is due to some procrastion and stuff but anyways...
i reasently wached FMP episode 17, its so sad...i had really thought Gray was a cool character, but she had to die. I also saw the movie Corpse Bride with my freinds, it was good but the ending was sad. So yeah i think thats all i have to say so see ya later guys

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Saturday, October 1, 2005

its been a long week, but anyways last night i played with the pep band at the football game and it was so wet that we had to quit after half time, we were under some cover but it was still wet.there were only about 7 out of twenty people for band but it was still fun, my freind deanna and i kept on yelling "Go PC!!!!" whenever the other teams cheerleaders were trying to cheer it was pretty funny(can you tell i dont really like cheerleaders lol they are too peppy for me)it was fun and wet. btw i have some ideas for fan art but they are little more than thumb-sized scetchs so ill try to work on them. so ill talk to you guys later.
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Thursday, September 8, 2005

ok just saying hi to every one, and just wanted to say to my friends if i dont check your pages that often im sorry i just dont have engough time to check everyone's site.....ok on a more happy note sometime soon i will be posting a sketch, i hope well i got to go work on homework and stuff so see ya all later!
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Sunday, September 4, 2005

k this in going to be a short post but i just didnt want to keep you all hangin, -TM concerning your comment on my last post, yes we do always tell you your art doesnt suck, cause it doesnt, but what im trying to say is that on my secret project i did not give up cuase i felt it sucked, but rather because it was still a rough draft, i wasnt exicted about it, and lastly i ended up working on other art that in my mind were better eperance and were fun to draw. i draw cause its fun and the secret project just wasnt fun. ok, i got to finish up, ok im really tired right now cause today(out of my own free will) i jogged 3 miles on the track, and i only walked 2 laps- so anyways i just warning everyone with the school year starting up i will not post art as often or even just post in general ok i got to go now so ill talk to ya guys later
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Thursday, September 1, 2005

   randomness and new artwork...
well im going to upload a little pic i did the other night its nothing special but i like it, o and my seceret project has come to a stop, *sigh* too many things were going wrong with it, to make it up to the few who where exicited, im getting something else that much cooler than the former secret project, only promblem i dont know when ill be able to upload it.....btw im now on a rant, what is you ask for some odd reason i feel the need to beat this old(but very cool) video game... the start of my rant acually came from also my isperation for my new pic that im uploading....im curiosios to see if any one reconises the character and can figure out what game he's from. dont worry its pretty easy!
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Friday, August 26, 2005

   for your entertainment...
ok when i went to work on my current top secret art project i found this one pic i drew a month ago, so i brushed it up and just uploaded it.....
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   ive been busy....
ok i have a couple of art projects im working on but dont count on them being up anytime soon, i will tell you this though, all of my up and coming stuff has really nothing to do with any of my stories that i have posted art for. and no i dont have a new story to post art for.....you'll just have to wait and see
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Friday, August 19, 2005

   ...umm i dont really have a good title for my post
well the last few days have been hetic shall say i went to the beach for two days, it was fun but i rained while i was there, i did this doodle that turn out pretty good of the veiw from the deck of our hotel room id put it up but its not anime so yeah also when we got back we found out that our phone lines were down and we couldnt get on the internet or call anyone i dont think ill be posting any art work soon cause at the moment im really trying to improve so most of stuff ill be drawing will be expirmental and not otaku worthy, i hope it pays off though. i did say that i would tell the funny story behind my latest posted art so here i go..... well i felt like drawing a action shot or something so i was just doodling when a video game case caught my eyes so i took out the cover and did a light trace of the main charecter on it to get a feel for it but to my dismay the picture had (in my opinion) very weird propotions. so when i drew my version of the pic changed a couple of things. anyways the funny part of this story is the game its self its called darkened sky and i got a long time ago and it had been on sale so whats this game about well its an rpg with magic and stuff i played it a bit then quit cause i just couldnt past this one level so anyways as i was looking at the cover for my drawing i opened up the book thing that came with it (i remenber that it was a weird game but not this weird and funny) and so i quote from the storyline
"In the foretime, the Great Rainbow arched the skies. from this flowed the mysterious colored artifacts that the people called skittles....."
yep thats what it said, mystical isnt it? and so i remenbered that this game was a very well hidden advertisement yeah the hero weilds the almighty skittles and uses them for their magical propertys...in closing i say why taste the rainbow when you can weild the rainbow?=)lol til next time.....

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Saturday, August 13, 2005

   a short post!!!!
Mwahahahhahhahahahha! i have just recived a package that i ordered off the intetnet last week and it contains a new cd (soundtrack for fable the video game)and a studio ghibli movie that is supposed to hit stores on the 16th! i had pre odered it and it came early Mwahahahahahahaha and that is the end of my short post
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005

   im wiped.....
ahh man ive just been doing so much that im really tired-today i had a pysical and it turned out that i had to get a shot. not that bad but now my drawing arm is sore and it stinks cause at the moment im ispired and wish to draw....oh well i think im going to go to bed now im really am tired ill post again in a day or so so bye (yawn)
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