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Sunday, July 31, 2005

   I'm finaly done!...Mwahahaha
k i just uploaded my new pic sould be up soon, it took me so long to color it,probly over three hours-it was on photoshop and it was my first time to do so much work on one pic-i dought that i'll color artwork that way for some time-so yeah- ohh i came up with a new story so maybe after i finish designing the caracters ill upload some pictures for it-k im tired so til next post, farewell....mwhahahahhaha
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Monday, July 25, 2005

   new pics coming soon..... i hope
k im hopeing to get a couple of new pictures up pretty soon and they going to be in color as soon as i get around to coloring them. so yeah one of them took me about two hours just to draw it in pencil, its cause there's this creature thing that i made up in it and its hard to draw it legs(its kind of like a horse)so we'll see if it turns out any good-i'll definitely need to photoshop it before i put it up but that shouldn't take too long so yeah. btw TM that guide i barrowed from u, its really confusing on this one part, for this maze ive been wandering around for about a hour cause the guide doesnt make much sence...ohhh well k then im of to color my artwork- bye
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Monday, July 11, 2005

   im back!
well i got back from canada and i just posted some artwork! ive tried to post before but i had some trouble so, im really happy that i submited it. they both are in black and white,(i seem to have trouble coloring anything lol) anyways now that i figured it out im going to post alot more artwork in the future. anyways canda was awsome. i learned how to play rugby. i realised that i play pool(the game with the 8-ball) left handed even though im right handed. i also fell off my horse once, well everyone who was there said it was more of an acrobatic roll off. it didnt really hurt, cause somehow i managed to land on my feet after three or four rolls sideways but what ever.the horse i rode was named Trigger-he had some gas problems and kept on farting but he was a cool horse. he was a tan color with a blonde mane, it was alot of fun. oh yeah like every night like 10 other cosins and i played soccer for like a half an hour with these mini goals my brother brought and even a couple of the wranglers(they take care of the horses and stuff) came and played. all the wanglers were cool and really freindly. i also played tons of texas hold 'um poker(we didnt play for money) i won a couple of times. once though my 9 year old cosin who likes to play with his dad(my uncle)totally beat every one at the table- like 5 times he won cause of the river card(last card played)! it was alot of fun but now im pretty much wiped. but im happy too cause i had my birthday and i got two movies(both anime) and 5 five cds, and last but not least a totoro shirt! its awsome. im also going to an animation class today i cant wait! well im finaly out of things to say so-Bye!
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Thursday, June 30, 2005

yep im going to canada, it's a big vacation for everone on my dad's side of the family. so i'll be hanging out with my cosions for the next week or so. i'm also happy cuase my birthday is coming up-well acaully it will be during the trip. its going to be awsome so once i get back i'm going to take my friends to the charie and the chocalate factory movie! i guess its i bit dorky of a movie, but one of my favarite directors(Tim Burton)made it. So its going to awsome(i hope)! anyways it'll be awhile before im back to update. oh i almost forgot, well i got my mp3 player it came with little bonus for five free songs from some online music store so i got some flippin sweet songs! one of them was the song that i love thanks homestarrunner.com, its called experamental film. it's so cool! so yeah my summer has been awsome so far and hopefully is going to get better. so see ya later aligator! :)
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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

   ello- its been awhile
well i havent updated for awhile so i just thought i should say something. well has anyone seen howl's moving castle? i really want to see that...lol im a bit of a adict when it comes to studio ghibli. anyways yesterday i went to school and helped paint the band room. everyone in the concert band(all 5 of us) hated the colors so we decided to paint the room so now they are our school colors. i was there almost all day from about 10am to like 5:30pm something like that. it was alot of fun in total there where about ten of us(we recuited some jr.high/jazz band members) i had a small paint war and messed around alot and we still got the first coat up. the second coat goes up tomarrow but i wont be there cause i have to go to jr. golf that my mom signed me up for with out me knowing i did it last year and hated it so im pretty ticked off about that. no one in my family seems to get the fact that i hate to golf. ohh well-i have to get off cause my obsessed brother MUST get on the computer since he is obsessed with his game-it's dire that he play RIGHT NOW!
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005

   DS vs PSP
which is better? from talking to my freinds i've heard mixed reveiws....but they are leaning slightly twords the psp. yes i have a slight bias twords the ds (i have one)but i think it could of been way better...specialy the d-pad stead of anilog...like metioned on the front page it looks like the psp is going to have some awsome and not so awsome anime vidio games. but really which is better.. it kills me to say it but nintendo has been going downhill for awhile...is nintendo going to pull away from younger kids and try and feed the real gamers something good. only a few select games really apeal to me as a gamer and that is out of the hundreds of games they have made...listen to my plea nintendo give us gamers more games like tales of syfonia,metriod prime and stop reinventing mario in those same but only slightly differnt games........... i must leave...for now, this won't be the last you hear of this from me..........
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Monday, March 21, 2005

   hi, hello, today is Boooring
I just thought i'd say hi, haven't written anything for a while so here i am.....little brothers sometimes anoy me.....
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Tuesday, January 11, 2005

I hate homework more importantly i hate math! i must keep my post short and simple for i am currently cheating my self time for homework but i really don't care. my homework time could be used for something a whole lot more preductive like drawing and waching anime if it weren't for math class my school days would be so much easier. i now must return to my slavery and go stare at the math book.
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Friday, January 7, 2005

In portland OR, where i live it hardly ever snows, but today it did. it didn't stick but still maybe it will snow later tonight when it's colder out. anyways on to my bashing of bad video games, at the moment i want to bash on video game pet peeves. Well not bash but make fun of them. Sure it's funny when your friend is haveing a crappy time with the camra angle but man they can be annoy when it happens to you right? anyway the one thing that drives me insane about the Super Mario Advance games is when you're running along and you have to jump over a gap and so you jump and.. he jumps late and you fall down a dinky little hole. I hate it (well I'm not that great at those games anyways.)So whats worse, bad reacactions or crappy camra angles? I think camra angle can really make or break a game. I mean whats the use of haveing good graphics if half the time you're playing the game all you can see some weird wall blocking your veiw. then again i hate it when mario, or any other charater for that matter makes a late jump or something. Anyways, happy weekand and may you have a good video game/anime day
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Sunday, December 26, 2004

   Merry Cristmas!
Happy holidays! I'm in a really good mood, I got the first dvd of Pretear and the second of FLCL! oh yeah i also got a cell phone too! cempt my dad ordered it and it hasn't come yet. anyways happy holidays and may you get your christmas wish!
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