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myOtaku.com: Rice Flinga

Friday, January 7, 2005

In portland OR, where i live it hardly ever snows, but today it did. it didn't stick but still maybe it will snow later tonight when it's colder out. anyways on to my bashing of bad video games, at the moment i want to bash on video game pet peeves. Well not bash but make fun of them. Sure it's funny when your friend is haveing a crappy time with the camra angle but man they can be annoy when it happens to you right? anyway the one thing that drives me insane about the Super Mario Advance games is when you're running along and you have to jump over a gap and so you jump and.. he jumps late and you fall down a dinky little hole. I hate it (well I'm not that great at those games anyways.)So whats worse, bad reacactions or crappy camra angles? I think camra angle can really make or break a game. I mean whats the use of haveing good graphics if half the time you're playing the game all you can see some weird wall blocking your veiw. then again i hate it when mario, or any other charater for that matter makes a late jump or something. Anyways, happy weekand and may you have a good video game/anime day
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