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myOtaku.com: Rice Flinga

Thursday, June 30, 2005

yep im going to canada, it's a big vacation for everone on my dad's side of the family. so i'll be hanging out with my cosions for the next week or so. i'm also happy cuase my birthday is coming up-well acaully it will be during the trip. its going to be awsome so once i get back i'm going to take my friends to the charie and the chocalate factory movie! i guess its i bit dorky of a movie, but one of my favarite directors(Tim Burton)made it. So its going to awsome(i hope)! anyways it'll be awhile before im back to update. oh i almost forgot, well i got my mp3 player it came with little bonus for five free songs from some online music store so i got some flippin sweet songs! one of them was the song that i love thanks homestarrunner.com, its called experamental film. it's so cool! so yeah my summer has been awsome so far and hopefully is going to get better. so see ya later aligator! :)
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