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myOtaku.com: Rice Flinga

Monday, July 11, 2005

   im back!
well i got back from canada and i just posted some artwork! ive tried to post before but i had some trouble so, im really happy that i submited it. they both are in black and white,(i seem to have trouble coloring anything lol) anyways now that i figured it out im going to post alot more artwork in the future. anyways canda was awsome. i learned how to play rugby. i realised that i play pool(the game with the 8-ball) left handed even though im right handed. i also fell off my horse once, well everyone who was there said it was more of an acrobatic roll off. it didnt really hurt, cause somehow i managed to land on my feet after three or four rolls sideways but what ever.the horse i rode was named Trigger-he had some gas problems and kept on farting but he was a cool horse. he was a tan color with a blonde mane, it was alot of fun. oh yeah like every night like 10 other cosins and i played soccer for like a half an hour with these mini goals my brother brought and even a couple of the wranglers(they take care of the horses and stuff) came and played. all the wanglers were cool and really freindly. i also played tons of texas hold 'um poker(we didnt play for money) i won a couple of times. once though my 9 year old cosin who likes to play with his dad(my uncle)totally beat every one at the table- like 5 times he won cause of the river card(last card played)! it was alot of fun but now im pretty much wiped. but im happy too cause i had my birthday and i got two movies(both anime) and 5 five cds, and last but not least a totoro shirt! its awsome. im also going to an animation class today i cant wait! well im finaly out of things to say so-Bye!
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