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myOtaku.com: Rice Flinga

Sunday, January 8, 2006

   new years!
well its 2006, and christmas break is now over, i have been quite lazy lately as some might of noticed due to my lack of udates, o well i got a lot of good loot,lol. But more importantly i got to spend time with my cosins, guess what my second oldest cosin who is like 24 and married.Well during the dinner she found out from her husband(who was sick and couldn't come to the big family dinner) that his xbox 360 came in! Lucky.. i want one but dont quite have the money yet besides you have to get on a freaking long waiting list aww well i can survive with out one lol what i did get was a ton of math homework to catch up on over the break since our teacher doesnt check our work very often i can get away with be lazy and skipping work math really isnt that hard but it takes so long it fries my brain hmmm ive been rambleing for awhile havent i? well i better end my post for now. ~till next time~
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