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myOtaku.com: Rice Flinga

Monday, January 16, 2006

well i know i havent been udateding like a promised, but whatever, since i havent been on in awhile im a little shocked at the text, its so big.(im assuming that it isnt just my computer displaying the site weird)lol any ways i dont know if i'll put any art up soon, im just so buzy with school latey i just havent the time to work on anything of quality plus the few things i have drawn are just little practice stuff, i really im getting sick of my style so im just branching out. speaking of branching out im takeing a class about fusing glass, the fist class was on saterday, it was ok but umm the teacher reminded me of my old science teacher. really spacey.... but anyways ive got the art bug right now, got to go draw, i get ispired after i look at good art so i browse around on the otaku sometimes so yah im off.
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