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| RiflesAtRecessNC
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
What other adjective would you have me use for the word 'good'?
First day of school today. I tried to come up with a suitable title for this entry, but gave up and used a Jerome's Dream song title.
So, here we go.
1. Advanced Studio Guitar.
Our teacher, Mr. Chamis, is a 42-yr-old nerd-looking guy who apparently only plays guitar. No other hobbies, thick-rimmed glasses, parted and feathered-back graying hair, and a dry voice... Neil turns to me and whispers "hey, look, it's the 40-year-old virgin!" Nice class, though, Kit's in it, and I apparently have some 'splainin to do, well, one of us does, because she apparently hates me. For no reason. Yeah.
2. US History
This teacher's a bitch, I know it. It's an easy level class that that everyone needs in order to graduate, so I'm stuck with all the bad classmates, which will make it even harder for her to teach. I miss Mrs. Haith, if not soley because I could make Matrix jokes about her and she'd laugh.
3. Spanish II
I have Sra. Duran again, she give out a lot of work, but she's nice as hell, and I respect her greatly. Also, Kristyn's in my class again, she's so awesome. I knew it'd either be her or Matt. Sorry, buddy. This class will be fun.
4. AP Art/2-D Design Portfolio
Ohhhh shit. This will be one of the hardest classes I will ever take, even in college. I have to get about 16 images done by the beginning of May, and they all have to use different techniques and share a central theme, or concentration. My concentration will most likely be a Fern Gully-esque thing, where mankind has ruined and polluted nature for so long that nature must strike back to survive. I want to have fantasy creatures on nature's side, and I want to doom mankind. I want to send a powerful message across with this. I just hope I pass. I really want that 5 for the exam grade.
Oh, and as for lunch, all of my friends who still go to school, save two, are in my lunch period. w00t! This semester's gonna be great.
And... Shane's back from Idaho! :O
Oh, I might as well, announce my plans here first, but I plan on having a party next weekend for Brad, who is setting off for Atlanta, Georgia on the 7th. I'm inviting a very small group of people and it'll most likely be just in my room.
I don't know yet. I haven't been able to talk with Brad yet.
That is all.
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Friday, August 18, 2006
Expanding on my last entry, featuring Tony.
[17:36] Tony: :)
[17:36] Tony: Why haven't you replied? It's been like 10 seconds already.
[17:36] Tony: Fuck.
[17:39] Tony: I mean, I like people on here, but I have to imagine they understand that IM conversations are rarely taking prescendent over what's going on in my apartment lol
[17:39] Me: I just really hate it when people IM me like it's a privilege to talk to them when they have absolutely nothing to talk about.
[17:40] Tony: I had this problem a lot. People would IM you and then basically expect YOU to start the conversation.
[17:40] Tony: Why did you IM me then?
[17:40] Tony: At least push it along yourself.
[17:42] Tony: Well, send me their IMs and I'll write something and you can send it as you.
[17:42] Tony: Then you won't feel so bad.
[17:43] Tony: "Listen you cunt. I'm busy and you're boring"
[17:43] Tony: etc
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Taken by vultures.
If it weren't for a few people, I would delete my AIM account. For serious. I was really going to do it last night, instead I blocked like 20 fucking people who won't. Leave. Me. Alone.
I was waiting on an IM from a friend who finds it rude to IM people when they're away, for some reason. So, I left AIM running and walked off for a while. What do I get?
r u ther?
hellloooo keviiiin
"I'm busy. Sorry."
wat r u doin?
"I R watching movie."
-five minutes go by-
r u still watchin the movie?
"Fucking duh, leave me alone."
my parents are stupid
im bored
I might leave my RiflesAtRecessNC screen name and just go to my safelisted one soon. Most of you who I actually give a shit about know what that screen name is now, anyway.
I can't believe I have to fucking do this. But when I tell you I'm busy, please talk to me later. I don't want to hear about how bored you are, how much you need me to fill the void in time until your parents come home to torment you, whatever.
Don't IM me with a smilie then ask me a minute later why I haven't replied to it.
For the love of god, after sending me links to like ten sites that I've told you I don't want to read right now, don't send me ten more links. I won't look at them just to spite you.
I hate people that IM like a spaz.
How r
i guess
i could be
Please? One of these days I just might jump into my monitor straight out of yours and slap you in your eyeball.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
So, Andrew's all "Yeah, I'm bored here, so I'll be on the internet a whole bunch!"
I've hardly ever seen him online, the last time I saw him definitely wasn't recent.
Discuss. :D
And yeah, I'm really sick of my blogs right now, I haven't been using either of them. Change is coming when Alan gets his arse motivated.
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Summerholidays vs. Punkroutine
Saturday, August 5th: Pool Party!
Monday, August 7th: Hang out with Matt?
Tuesday, August 8th: Vans Warped Tour in Charlotte!
Friday, August 11th: For the Kids Fest!
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Thursday, August 3, 2006
So I got my friend mailed to me today.

That's right. That's Andrew/masamune88 in the red shirt. This was on a pretty elaborate postcard for a senior pictures company. Andrew, are you aware of this? This is fucking awesome!
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Taking Care of Terrific.
Yeah, I know, two posts in one day, but I forgot one very big thing. I went back to read the new comments that people gave me on the major news post and on LJ. I just want to publicly thank all of you, some of you I barely know and it just means so much to me that you guys read it and all that.
As far as things currently, there were some more really wicked storms on Thursday and Saturday and then I remember it raining through a lot of Sunday and some of Monday. I briefly lost power on Saturday and that's what knocked the internet permanently out, I think. There's a ladder residing in my room, since I have the only entrance to the attic. We've had to replace our entireair conditioning system, but luckily it was free and was a major upgrade to what we had. We're getting the stump pulled out of the ground and replaced with a Japanese Maple tree, and the chimney's coming off of our lawn tomorrow too, I think. I do not know when we're getting a new chimney yet.
And, we're supposed to pay $1,000 for something, I'm not keen as to what. Apparently that won't matter, though. Mostly since we plan on rocking our builder's ass to the ground with a lawsuit. That really says something if four chimneys fall off of your houses all in the same area. All four of us are suing, that I know of. So... yay!
So, thanks again, everyone.
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Internet's back!
Miss me?
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Saturday, July 22, 2006
My internet's down. I'm hijacking a neighbor's while I can to tell you this. I have no idea when it will be back. Please, like, tell people this, because I'm sure people who are used to seeing me online all the time are worried. For example, Kisha and Alan will probably never read this. :-/
Sorry and thanks!
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Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I guess God thinks I'm Abel.
I almost died today. If you think I'm lying, kidding, or melodramtic, I'll find you and kill you. Since I've given even some dear friends a bunch of dissonant thoughts put together, I figured that from now on it would be best to just type the whole story up here and point people in this direction.
So, today started off lousy, my insomnia struck me last night and I ended up not sleeping until about six in the morning. Alan can attest to this. I woke up at 2, watched a movie until it finished and my parents left to go shopping for furniture. We planned on investing in stadium seating for our living room, but seeing how things are now that's not going to happen. So I'm home alone, having just gotten out of the shower and dressed at six, the phone rings and it's my mom, saying that they were caught in the worst storm they had ever seen. The furniture store they were at lost power and they were looking out of the windows there and a nearby transformer blew up as they were watching the storm. So when my mom called, she was in a bit of a panic and she asked if there was any rain here. I parted my blinds and saw clouds, but the streets were dry, normal bad day weather, you know?
So I hang up the phone. As soon as I do so, I hear a huge clap of thunder. Then my Aunt Debbie calls as I'm looking outside, now worried sick at what's going to happen, since mom made it sound cataclysmic. She wanted to speak to my mom and of course mom wasn't here so I told her that I'd have mom call her when she got home. I call up mom again to tell her everything that happened, and that the storm was shaping up to be a big one. I turned the computer off after the house started shaking and I unplugged everything. I took this picture through my window before heading downstaris.
(it's big)
As I'm going downstairs I hear the loudest crashing noise I've ever hear din my fucking life. Scared all the cats shitless and they ran past me up the stairs. I unplugged choice things downstairs and opened the door to find the big tree in front of my house (the one you see in my window picture) collapsing. It almost hit the house, but instead it veered in direction and fell parallel to it. My parents came home (I opened the door for them) and they told me something that I didn't realize at first. The fucking chimney detached and fell from our fucking house.
After an hour or so, we turned on the TV and watched the news. After it stopped raining I went outside and took pictures.

In the first picture, all those top story windows? That's my room. Also, we weren't the only ones hit this bad. That we know of, two other houses lost their chimneys. Let's not even go into how many broken trees there were. You drive through our neighborhood and all you can think about is how you can compare us to what you see in the news coverage of a hurricane.
I'm so happy to be alive. We never really lost power, and I lost internet for a while but eventually came back. I feel really lucky. Some power, wether it be nature or some superbeing, singled us out and we all lived through it.
So, comment with nice words, similar experiences, I want to hear all of it. Also, if you want more pictures of the damage, I literally filled up my 512mb card with pictures. I'd like to make a Photobucket for it at some point.
And thanks for listening, I know this has to be hard on you.
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