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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
0015: AudioFile02: Circa Survive - Juturna
I know I said I'd get to pictures, but I'm still sorting through them, I took like 200 pictures and I'm not resizing all of them. So I'm finding the good ones. Sorry, Doc.
On to the review, I've been wanting to do this cd for a while.
This cd has moved up the ranks, starting at "ehhh..." to what is one of my favorite cd's I own, that's saying something. I think this cd's tied with Circle Takes the Square, please don't make a comment about the circlyness.
Let's start with the vocals, I've shared my very strong opinion on Anthony Green several times on OtakuBoards and from now on I might just point them to this. Anthony has the best singing voice in the Emo genre. He is the reason I was originally interested in this band, and he is the main draw of every project he takes part in, which is a rather long list, spanning from Saosin to The Sound of Animals Fighting as well as some lesser-known groups, if there is such a thing.
You will hate Anthony and the rest of the band if you hate Rush, Coheed and Cambria, and any other bands that feature singers with very high vocal ranges. If you are nodding after reading this, I hate you, please comment me with your email address so that I may formally insult you. I understand that you can dislike a particular voice, or that C&C can get on your nerves, but that does not make it bad music. Please, pleasepleaseplease, never say a musician/band sucks ass when they have more than several million fans and there's nothing actually wrong with their music. I don't like AGAINST ME! but no way in hell will I ever say it's bad music.
Thank you for patiently reading. I had to get that off my chest.
Ok, aside from the vocals, the rest of the instruments are played very fast and softly at the same time. This creates an ambience that could be considered both heavy and soft at the same time. In true progressive rock fashion, the guitars are all enhanced with reverb and delay, creating something that is both melodic at times and just a lot of noise at other times.
I also enjoy how a few songs, most notably "Stop the Fuckin' Car" are drum-driven, creating almost a trance-y feeling.
Thus, this band at least deserves a download. "Act Appalled" is the easiest song to find, I personally don't like it as "The Glorious Nosebleed," "We're All Thieves," and "Oh, Hello." Try to find one of those. If you like it, well, you can...

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Monday, September 26, 2005
0014: Back from the trip.
Well, I'm back, I had a great time, but I really wished I could've taken today off to have a normal life for a day.
Basically, we drove off right after school and we got to my Aunt Suzie's house at around 2:30 AM. Her and Rod (her boyfriend) were staying up and waiting for us, but Ashley (Rod's daughter from his last marriage) was sleeping.
We talked for about half an hour, then we went to bed. I woke up second-to-last, and we basically hung out until 6:00 PM which was when the reception would begin. I finally got to become friends with Ashley, last time she stopped by, we ate pancakes, and then we had to leave.
The reception was a blast, the food was better thant he last reception I was at, but the atmosphere was better then than now. Very few cousins, or even recognizable people were there. I basically hung out with Lauren, Katie, and Timmy all night, while the adults parties with eachother, repeating stories we all heard last year and recalling events from their lives as kids.
For me, the reception wasn't that much about the bride and groom, but more about us meeting the groom's friends from England. They're all incredibly nice and interesting people.
After that, we went home (er, Suzie's house), watched movies, and hit the sack. Sunday was an entire day (or at least the good part of it) of driving. How depressing. I got to school and learned that I had forgotten a big homework assignment, and several tests. Oh well, I made out well in the end.
My Coheed & Cambria CD still hasn't arrived, I emailed them, Claudio himself responded telling me that for some reason people don't really recieve their merch for like ten days. He said that if it doesn't arrive this week, he'll send it again as part of the uber-fan pack, for free. This fan pack is basically the CD, the shirt, a DVD of their performance at the Roseland Ballroom, and a CD of said live performance. Not bad, I guess I don't mind it being what would now be twenty days late if I got all of those goodies.
Aside from that, I have my weekend all planned out already. Michaela's birthday is next Monday, "the enemy" forgot her birthday, so I'm going to try to throw her a small party, even if it ends up being me and her in my room playing DDR and Soul Calibur II.
Aside from that, nothing else to report! I'll put up some pictures from the trip once I can bother with resizing them.
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
0013: RiflesAtPennsylvania
I fucked up the event thing I made, so I'm restating it here.
I'm going to be on may way to/at/on the way back from Pennsylvania from this Friday afternoon through Sunday night. I'm going for my cousin's wedding reception to her wedding that happened last September. Why so long? Her husband is foreign, since 9/11, they've had a hard time getting into the country and staying.
Last night Brad let me rip all of his cd's that didn't overlap with mine, making about 30. I'm going to have one fun 10 hour car ride to and back. :)
Oh, Sage Kaley and her awesome booty is gracing my signature at OB. :)
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Wednesday, September 21, 2005
0012: Virus
My computer got hit with some psycho virus last night. I basically reinstalled Windows and backed up all my files. It's all good, I just have to reinstall everything... and I got three more months of Norton Anti-Virus. :p I'm getting Avast(!) after it expires.
I'll hopefully be getting Coheed and Cambria - Good Apollo, I'm Burning Star IV: From Fear Through the Eyes of Madness tomorrow. I can't wait, is anyone else getting this cd?
I also brought up the nerve to IM James the other day, definitely worth it.
Hmm... whatelsewhatelsewhatelse... ok, I got nothing, see ya around.
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Monday, September 19, 2005
0011: OMG KITTIES!!!
Click the kitty picture and prepare to be amazed. One of my friends found this on StumbleUpon and decided to show me. It's unbearably cute.

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0010: Sick :)
I woke up with a fever today. I had to go to school, so my mom basically overmedicated me. It didn't set in until about second period where the medicine started working. I was in lala-land all day. I really felt like Pilz-E of Foamy the Squirrel fame, I was that fucked up. One of my teachers thought I was drunk, so I had to basically explain to the class how much medicine I was taking. We're talking like four tylenols, a few Day-Quil's, cough medicine, and the regular allergy medicine that doesn't do anything. I'll never do this again, what a day.
I got up to level 30 in SMT: DDS. Aside from that, nothing new to report.
Oh, and I'm moving those movie pics to my Photobucket, so no fat, naked, swamp-lady. ;)
Added ya back, Lea. Pretty myO. Oh, and I have to go to school because I'm going on a trip this Friday, I can only miss a few days a year.
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Sunday, September 18, 2005
0009: Comment replies... then bed...
I've been online off and on for most of the day. I'm really sick, I woke up with a fever today, so I cancelled plans with Michaela and basically laid in bed and played Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga. I'm now at that part where you have to find the picture of the good prince in the dungeon. I haven't missed a hole yet. :p
I spent some of the time watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail with the 'rents, as it was mom's b-day present. It's pretty cool, but I might as well have been plastered, I couldn't keep up with what was going on at all. After watching the movie, I took a shower, felt better, so I put new boxers on, fooled around on OB and GS for a bit, and decided I needed to feel better again. I ended up taking like five or six showers today. The first one was more of a 'just get clean' sort of thing, but the rest were more of an 'ahhh... water..." type of thing. Ok, that's enough of shower talk. On to comments!
James: Thanks for the shout-out, I commented back.
Tony: Yeah, I know, but I was really pressed for time yesterday, I actually had a friend over and he was kinda picking them out while I was doing something else. All I really did was look at the pics and put tags on them. I've seen the ugly picture that they stick on leeches, it's kinda funny, but well... yuck. I'll do better next Friday/Saturday.
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Saturday, September 17, 2005
0008: SA Photoshop Phriday highlights: unoffensive movie titles.

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Friday, September 16, 2005
0007: MoviePhile 03: The Hole (After the Hole)
Let me start by saying that this is another one of those "wow, this movie is so good" posts. The difference is, I've loved this movie for a few years and I know it like the back of my hand. So here we go.
The Hole Stars Thora Birch and Keira Knightley as prep school girls who belong to one of the most popular groups in the school. Thora's character, Elizabeth, is the main character of the story and kind of remains neutral popularitywise, as she has a friend who no one else seems to like named Martyn. Martyn likes her, but she likes a new guy named Mike.
The movie starts out with Elizabeth telling a lie to a detective. It starts off honestly enough. She wants Mike to notice her, but he isn't, so she does all sorts of things to get him to notice her and fails. She approaches Martyn for help and he tells her of an abandoned bunker in some nearby woods. Perfect for a small party.
So Elizabeth and Keira's character, Frankie, decide to invite Mike and Frankie's friend Geoff for a three-night stay at said bunker. Well, three days pass and the kids leave the bunker and never return, or at least that's what Elizabeth first tells the detective.
Elizabeth has guilt left inside her from what really occurred, so she decides to confront the detective again, this time telling the truth.
The truth is, after three days, Mike still didn't care for Elizabeth. Elizabeth has the key to the bunker (which was locked), so she decides to tell them that Martyn had the key, and that he should be coming any hour. Well, several days pass and hunger sets in. Hunger turns to sickness, sickness turns into panic.
Frankie ends up puking her guts out just after Mike decides he likes Elizabeth enough to make out with her. Elizabeth can't tell the others that she has the key now that Frankie has died... so she tries to sneak out.
Geoff tries to sneak a Coke that he had been saving, and ends up getting murdered by Mike, who's in a frenzy. Elizabeth tries to make her escape that night, and fails to be unnoticed, Mike gets up in a frenzy and begins climbing the ladder, which breaks, and he ends up getting impaled, leaving Elizabeth as a free woman. Fun movie, too bad like 10 people have seen it in America. :)

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Thursday, September 15, 2005
0006: Life or Something Like It
I'd like to begin by wishing everyone who recently had birthdays and will have them soon (I'm done giving out presents though, I've spent $60 on you fuckers so far :p) HAPPY BIRTHDAY(!). Today, my mom and Kisha (Sage Kaley) had their b-day's. WHat fun.
Today was an eventful day, sure, school was still the same old GO FIGHT KILL REPEAT, but afterwards was a blast. We went to Red Lobster as a birthday dinner and gorged on their Endless Shrimp Special. Holy shit, I got filled up eating just one third of the first plate, while dad kept scarfing the food down and ordering more. How admirable (barf).
Afterwards, I burned a cd of the music I downloaded last night and went to see Rachel, Katie, and Kit in their first play of the season. It was really great, if I rated 15 minute-long plays, it'd be a ten-out-of-ten, go buy that fucker right now. :p
My parents were horrendously late picking me up, so I decided to get in closer to my circle of friends. I finally got to meet Shay, she's really cool. She's basically everyone's demented twin, except for me, she's too zany for me. I also finally met "Skwural," he basically stayed back, because he knew none of us liked him. When I first looked at him, I knew I hated him. I pulled Michaela aside and basically asked her why she was afraid of him.
My parents finally arrived and I left. I worked out for about an hour, and now I sit here, pondering my plans for this weekend. Enjoy your night.
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