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| RiflesAtRecessNC
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006
So, the Emo thread at the Lounge is really fucking pissing me off. I have been completely ignored in there it seems, aside from two (or three, I don't remember offhand) people who are actually interested in learning about the music. All the thread is a bunch of people going "Oh, I don't like the emo stereotype, but I'm going to make fun of it anyway."
The emo stereotype doesn't even exist! There's no place for it and the people they're talking about are just Gothic kids that listen to MCR instead of Manson. All of this is based off of record companies trying to bring a dead subgenre of hardcore back by saying that such radio bands have some sense of it in their music.
I don't understand how someone can run around exclaiming "Hey! Look at me! I'm emo, everybody!" and expect to feel cool. Even with the supposed stereotype, you feel like you're in a class of suburbian youth who slits and wears tight pants? Fuck you.
I try to bring three posts of truth into the stereotype shithole of the thread and I get blasted by some ignoramous who doesn't even bother trying to be respectful. He said that emo kids didn't only listen to emo, rather, they listen to the shit that's played on Fuse. They're not emo kids, then, obviously. As I said, there is no truth to the stereotype here, the emo kid and the emo genre have nothing to do with eachother, and I try to clarify this and I just get trolled.
Fuck 'em.
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Sunday, July 16, 2006
Oh my God! He's got an arm off!
Kevin downloaded nearly a gigabyte of NES ROMs today.

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Thursday, July 13, 2006

Hello, Circa Survive.

I got my picture taken with the singer, Anthony Green. Not only is he the best rock vocalist I've ever heard, but he's incredibly nice. He actually wanted to talk to us, moreso than most band members I met who just wanted to be friendly. I'm so glad that one of my idols is exactly the kind of person I hoped he would be. Well, that's one hero down. ^^
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Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Alas! Here come the hypochondriacs to wait with you in the lobby.
Garfield Comic Randomizer

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Sunday, July 9, 2006
Weekend Sex Change
So, I'm waiting on a phonecall form Will, I'm bored, and I could've gotten a lot more sleep than I did get.
So, I'm making a calendar.
July 9: Magic: the Gathering, Coldsnap Prerelease tournament. Wish me luck! Will needs to call me. ;_;
July 10: Work on articles, finish cleaning up room again. Oh, and I need to get a few more levels in Flyff.
July 11: Pirates 2 with Will
July 12: Circa Survive show with Brad.
Aug 8: Warped?
Aug 11 or 12: For the Kids Fest (La Quiete, Wolverines, like 20 other bands)
I don't think I have plans for any other days. XD
Aside from that, I forget if I mentioned it yet, but Alan is sloooowly making me a website and hosting it. Badass. There will be linkage here once he gets it up. Fucking slacker.
I also obtained a lot of amazing cd's recently. The BTBAM covers cd is really cool and well done. The Warriors are still as amazing as ever. UnderOath has a new second best cd. They'll never get better than The Changing of the Times. And the new iwouldetc cd is one of the best cd's I've ever heard.
Also, Chet Stedman, my current favorite local band, split up recently. Fuck. They're playing their last show soon, and I'm picking up stuff to remember them by. I guess I'll have to call KWD my favorite local band now. Hah.
Why doesn't Will's phone work? ;_;
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Sunday, July 2, 2006
Scream it until you're coughing up blood.
Hey guys, thanks for the kindness and advice. I didn't follow any of it... intentionally... but I've been feeling much better. The day after I typed that, I decided I was going to just wear myself out. I worked out for a good deal of the day and I literally just... passed out. At like 9PM. Since then I've been alright. There's been one night I think where I couldn't sleep until like 6PM, and I was jolted awake by my dad busting in a few hours later.
I went to the mountains yesterday, today was my parents' anniversary and we've been doing some family things. We know how much I love those. I can't believe I'm closing in on my anniversary of that first breakdown that pretty much wrecked me. It'll be July 6th, or 7th, it kind of depends on how you look at it.
I went to see The Last Regard's last show, I also finally got to meet Kristen's friends, which are all pretty nice. Although I think Brandi dislikes me a little. >_>; None of my pictures came out well, but Brad took some good videos. I'm going out on the 5th and the 2...7th? for good shows. Iconoclast Theory and Fastest Kid in the Fifth Grade are playing on the 5th. The second show is Circa Survive. Also, Aug. 8 is the Warped Tour here. I hope I get to go, Protest the Hero, Every Time I Die, and It Dies Today are playing. Hopefully I'll get to go with Brad, otherwise I'm fucked for seeing Protest the Hero.
By the way, I'm writing an article on PtH for Orange Lazarus. It'll be finished soon. I'm also working on a short story but I'm not really motivated. I hate writing things longer than a page. I have to do a lot of other things in the meantime.
So that's it.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Le sigh...
I've been in an off mood lately. Distancing myself from everyone, with good reason. I'm going through withdrawal over a few people, the situation that one of them is in just infuriates me to where I don't want to talk about it publicly.
So, I've been avoiding pretty much everyone and finding solace more in my online friends, they're the greatest people in the world. Kisha and Alan especially have been great mood-boosters. I find it incredible that it's getting down to me knowing Kisha and a few other internet friends for an entire year. Wow.
I've also been playing FlyFF, an online RPG heavily based on anime. It's really sad though that I've yet to find anyone, even most of the NPC's, who use periods. Fuck'em. I've made four cool friends on there and two of them stuck around to power level me for five hours tongiht, I didn't get to say goodbye to any of my friends tonight. ;_; Please, if you have decent bandwidth, decent computer, please google it and download it. It'd be so awesome to have people I actually know playing with me.
I feel guilty being a recluse, I know I'm gaining my weight back, but it's just something I feel like I have to do. I haven't gotten more than three hours of sleep in a night for about a week now, which just isn't enough to function. I've actually skipped out on sleeping a night or two, which is horrible, but I can't do it. I started a workout routine I can't keep up with and I feel guilty about it.
So, I'd like some advice. "Get more sleep" is out of the question, silly.
I'm sorry I've been so emotional lately, good and bad. I think I've hit depression again and I go through terrible swings when it happens.
I'm not updating again until I have something nice to say. This was the original idea.
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Sunday, June 18, 2006
You'd think that with school being out, I'd actually have time to do things I've been wanting to do. Man, I haven't even been able to finish cleaning my room yet, which was supposed to be the first thing I did.
Andrew moved away last Wednesday, he left comments here as Masamune88, if you're wondering who that is. Man, I miss him so much already, he's a great friend of mine and I hope he realizes that. I won't be seeing him again until at least October, and his house will be a stop whenever we visit my Great Aunt Doris in Florida.
I think I'm sick of my best friend, Brad, for right now. Him and his mom (divorced, from out of state, etc) stayed at my house for a little over a week for Graduation and the party I had that weekend, I have pictures in a public post on my LJ. Aside from that, I've been trying to hang out with Will as much as I can, because I really want to keep him around for as long as I can this time. Since he changed schools, I haven't talked to him as much as I'd like to, hell, we used to talk on the phone for hours every night. I'm just sick of reintroducing myself to him every year a week or so before my birthday for parties. That really sucks, we were best friends until we fell out of contact.
There's so many people I've been wanting to call, I still haven't called Michaela, which I really need to. Making plans with her is futile though, since any time she has is taken up by Nick. Hell, I've known her for almost two years now and we've only been able to hang out twice, and both times were in the same week. Also, I need to call Emilie back, there's a long story about her, and I won't get into it here, those of you who know me well know about her.
I need a car. My parents need to stop leaving me stranded here, instead of helping me relearn how to drive so I can take my liscense test. By the end of the summer I'll need a car. I'll need insurance. And I need a fucking job. I've been searching around, my parents have been looking for me, and we decided that the best thing to do is to fill out applications for the Kirklands that is moving in this month. Granted, I hate the place, but I could work there.
So, there you go. ^^; Thanks for listening!
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Monday, June 12, 2006
Songy song.
So I finally added a song on my MyO. It's by a Japanese post-emo band called ENVY. They're worth checking out. :)
And thank you all for the comments and guestbook signings. ^^
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Thursday, June 8, 2006
School's finally out, guys. I'm a high school senior now. ^^
I'm incredibly happy about all the friends I've made this year, I don't really know how many people read this now, especially since I've put a link to it up on my MySpace.
I'm also happy in the person I've become, I've lost weight and just became happier. Remember when I got scared into going on a diet? I'm not sure how many pounds I lost, since I didn't weigh myself when I started, but I remember that most of the pairs of pants I had were extremely tight on me and now I have to drill new holes in my belt to keep everything from falling. I'm extremely proud of myself.
Also, since my birthday, I gained the first real sense of family. Brad, Elisa, Kristen, Greg, and maybe Neil are the closest thing to brothers and sisters I'll ever have. I'm so happy I have them, but they're just as recent as a lot of my other new friends. I love them all.
So, thanks everyone! I just felt that this was important to say. :)
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