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Sunday, November 27, 2005
0035: All-day concert
Yep, today's the day that I leave with Brad and Alyssa at 4 for the Shadows Are Security tour, featuring As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Madball, and A Life Once Lost.
Might be back by the time school starts, lol.
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Thursday, November 24, 2005
0034: A Giving of Thanks
Kisha did this, so I'm going to do it. I have a feeling this is going to take a while.
First, I'd like to thank Brad. He gets me in all the cool shows, and no matter how much I pick on him and badger him, he still knows that he's the best friend I could ask for.
Next is Andrew, who will actually read this at some point, lol. Andrew knows he's awesome, so me saying it any more would just be a waste. UUDDLRLRBASS!!!111
Then there's Michaela, who serves as the ultimate reality check for me. I feel like I would be a completely different person today if it wasn't for her. It helps to have someone to protect, I think. Thanks for being Michaela.
Nick deserves a thanks for being one of my longest-lived friends. High school just isn't the same without good ol' Reindeer, Pringles, Fluffy, or whatever he is now. GO NICK!
Shay is on this list because she is the most Shay person I know. Thanks for constantly giving me and my parents a scare. I'm glad my house is like a second... third... tenth home to you. Yeah, that seems right.
Next up is Carolina, who is the most awesome person on the planet. I tell her this as often as I can remember. She is the sweetest girl I could ever have gotten to meet. You're as spastic as Shay, but in your own way, lol.
Will, thank you for still being there after I've ignored you for so long. It feels like I have to reintroduce myself to you every time my birthday rolls around. Never again, you are the longest-lived friend I've been able to keep and with good reason.
Thank you Ogi, for getting me drunk. Still love ya, man.
A special thanks goes out to Kisha and Phil, whom I've sadly never met IRL. Both of you are the best friends I could've ever asked for and I hope we can meet up somewhere someday. Much love.
Other people that deserve a thanks, just a smaller one for now: Erin, Tony, Ashley, Elizabeth, Shane, Gavin, James, Adrianna, Rachel M., Rachel S., Grace, Emilie (:-/), Valerie, Chris Witt #2, Chris N., Chris H., Drew H., Drew S., Amie, Melissa D., Tyler H., Ty V., Andy R., and anyone else whom I've forgotten. If I have forgotten you, I'm deeply sorry.
A final thanks to my loving parents. Without them, I wouldn't be here today (ha). In all seriousness, I couldn't ask for better folks than them, and all of my friends know it. Sure, our relationship has its ups and downs, but we quickly get over it. Thank you.
Thank you all, whoever reads this, you are thanked. :)
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
0033: You knew it was coming!
My top 15 best cd's I own!
1. Circle Takes the Square - As the Roots Undo
I love these guys, their music doesn't come off as a group of pot smokers dropping out of school to join a band. Mainly because it isn't. Some say it's just noise, but there are also some very loyal fans, and I am one of them. This cd deserves a listen. It is not for everyone though.
2. Beloved - Failure On
However, everyone needs to go out and buy this cd right now! There is no way that you cannot be instantly attached at your first listen. Their lyrics are meaningful and their music, powerful. There is just so much to be said about this band. These guys are my number one recommendation, but CTTS just got there first.
3. Swift - Waging War
This is the most personally important cd I own. It helped me out of an emotional rut a few years ago, and now it travels with me everywhere I go, even if it is too scratched up to play now. Another one of my top recommendations, Gary can write lyrics and balance singing and screaming quite well. Not to mention their drummer is the best independent producer in North Carolina!
4. Still Remains - If Love Was Meant to Die
Yep, it's a six song EP, but this cd has dominated my playlist and cd player for a month now. Their music is simply the best metal I've heard. Not to say that there isn't better metal bands out there, but this is the one that appeals to me the most.
5. Underoath - The Changing of the Times
Yay for hardcore the emo kids listen to? Anyway, I like the beats, the breakdowns, and the female attention it may or may not give me. You already own this cd, so I'm not going to bother with the recommendations.
6. Circa Survive - Juturna
Anthony Green has the most beautiful male voice I've heard... Don't question my sexuality. His voice, coupled with some of the best emo guitarists turned progressive, equals one of my favorite cd's. I recommend this for everyone and their grandma. This band need the attention they deserve.
7. Coheed and Cambria - Second Stage Turbine Blade
Coheed and Cmbria needs a spot here, since their one of my favorite bands in general. This is their best cd. You already own it, so no worries there, right?
8. KILLWHITNEYDEAD - So Pretty So Plastic
Haha, this band is funny. They use movie quotes in their songs, they fit perfectly while somehow managing to make fun of everyone. Listen at your own risk.
9. All That Remains - This Darkened Heart
Sorry, I know nothing about this band, but I love this cd. I'm glad Brad recomended it to me, so I'm passing it on. This band is some of the best metal you'll ever hear.
10. It Dies Today - The Catliff Choir
Pretty much the same ^
11. Norma Jean - O' God, the Aftermath
This cd is so in your face and heavy that it deserves a mention. Great for parties, backyard wrestling, and headaches.
12. He is Legend - 91025
They may be country-sounding, but these guys have metalcore down. They have hundreds of loyal fans and their shows are always sold out. Enjoy your new favorite band.
13. Rifles At Recess - To Whisper in Tongues
Yep, I totally stole my name from this band, with good reason. For a while, this was the heaviest band I could stand. And then there was KILLWHITNEYDEAD...
14. School For Heroes - Listen
My favorite band for two years. Now they're just too emo for me, so I'm passing it down to you guys. You can get both of their cd's together for ten bucks at .
15. The Bronx - The Bronx
A fun band I discovered two years ago that got moderate success the year after. A gritty punk band that hails back to the days of Black Flag and Minor Threat. Listen to these guys, I love 'em.
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
0032: My gathering was today.
...and I'm not going to talk about it right now. I'm in an emotional rut over Emilie's new situation. Something horrible happened to her and I just found out about it an hour ago. I planned on putting up my feelings in that "Emotionally Hardest Thing You've Done" (or whatever) thread, but then I typed it up and realized that I didn't want this up here for the whole world to see.
I'm still not talking to her though, I want to separate myself from her and go on with my life for once. This is a horrible time to do it, but I feel that it's for the best in the long run.
IM for specifics.
And just to let you all know, this can be treated as a rumor, I did not hear it directly from her. I don't plan on ever hearing aanother word out of her mouth again.
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0031: Perhaps more later.
And I did ImageShack this.

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Thursday, November 17, 2005
0030: Thank you.
I just want to take the time to thank everyone once again for signing my guestbook and IMing me and all that jazz. It makes me feel loved. :)
I'm trying to reach outside of my little bubble and comment on other people's site's, etc. Friends are cool and I like to surround myself with lots of them.
Yeah, this is way out of character, but I felt that it needed to be said.
Oh, and this Saturday I'm having a small get-together with some more cool pictures. Shay, Carolina, Adrianna and a few others will be appearing, I think. I hope it works out. I plan to spend Sunday and then Thanksgiving break working on the final details of my webcomic, and during the following week I'll be drawing some actual frames. I hope it turns out well.
For those of you who do not know, I'm working on two webcomic ideas. One is called The Guardian. It's basically about this tortured boy finding the soul of his deceased mother inside of a dragon who suddenly appears in his room. He decides that he will use his Guardian only when he needs to, and only for good deeds. He ends up doing the opposite and his mind bends towards insanity.
The other idea I'm working on is based off of a little project me and Frank worked on in middle school. It's called Space Squad X. I have been wanting to make this into a real comic since forever, and I feel like I finally have a decent opportunity. Basically, there's this team of Earthlings whose boss gets kidnapped by aliens. The sad thing is, without him, these cadets turn into pitiful idiots. One is a cocky leader, one's a straightman, and one sleep's constantly. This guy sleepwalks, sleeptalks, and sleepshootsataliens. They get shipped off to a colony for training after losing track of the aliens' spacecraft and then must break into the alien base. Then they'll return home and become heros. Whatever. They're still dumbasses. Oh, the original comic was done in an All Your Base fashion, and I plan on doing the same thing here.
I guess that's all for now. Cya around.
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
0029: Oh, good. I'm SUPPOSED to be slacking off now.
[20:31] Kill the Music: done your draft yet?
[20:31] R'eh'chel: lol you kidding?
[20:31] Kill the Music: lol, I just remembered how HUGE yours is
[20:32] Kill the Music: I'm about halfway through
[20:32] Kill the Music: I started at 7
[20:32] R'eh'chel: its not due tomorrow though, right?
[20:32] Kill the Music: I don't know, she seemed a little manic about us getting it done
[20:33] R'eh'chel: lol i think its due friday
[20:33] Kill the Music: I know that we need an official one by Friday, but aren't we doing something in class with it tomorrow?
[20:33] R'eh'chel: better be i havent looked at it since i got home
[20:33] R'eh'chel: no thats friday i think
[20:33] R'eh'chel: we're working on it tomorrow...
[20:33] Kill the Music: hot damn I quit
[20:33] R'eh'chel: lol
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Monday, November 14, 2005
0028: Birthday Concert
Circle Takes the Square's van broke down... so they didn't make it... WTF?
Despite our best efforts and after exhausting all other options, we were forced to cancel on the Greensboro, NC show tomorrow(sunday 13th).Our van has a problem that we can't get fixed in time to make it up there. We are going to rent a van and play the rest of the shows.
We apologize to everyone who was coming out to see us, and it will still be a sick show without us.
Please come out the rest of the shows, we need some cheering up.
love, the circle
It was still an amazing show, it ranks among the best I've been at, even without CTTS.
Bands were The Wolverines, Chet Stedman (who completely denied that they were actually Chet Stedman, for some reason), Giant, and iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou.
Here's pictures.

The Wolverines were an amazing two member hardcore band. You just have no idea. I have songs from them that you can IM me to get, but those don't do them any justice either. Just fucking incredible.

For some reason Chet Stedman came up and said that they were Animal Patrol, and said that Chet Stedman was playing last. Yeah fucking right, lol. These guys were also amazing. If you ever get the chance to see these guys live (they tour everywhere), never turn it down, they always have a great show. Their shows usually involve amazing solos, even with them jumping off the walls, literally.

Giant is boring, this is my second time seeing them. They play really slow power ballads with almost no vocals, it's weird. Their music is very ambient and emotionally-charged. It's boring as hell to stand up and watch, but it would make a great cd. I told them this, and they agreed. They'll have a cd out in June, I think.

Iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou (aka. iwouldetc) stole the show. They didn't play on the stage, so my pictures suck. Wow, I think they even beasted Circle Takes the Square... if they were there. These guys actually impersonated CTTS, they played "A Disclaimer to the Self" as their first song, then apologized, said they were just kidding, and gave us their real name and played their own songs. Wow. Again, if you ever see these guys coming to your town, don't pass that chance up. Wow. Best band there. You just have no idea. Their cd is badly recorded, but you can still tell that they're good, IM me for songs.
Also, you can IM me for more pictures.
Oh, and I have this stupid picture of Brad, I promised him that I'd show this to scores of random internet folk. So here it is.

That is all, thank you and good night.
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Sunday, November 13, 2005
0027: Sweet Seventeen party, since my Sweet Sixteen party was horrible.
I only have five pictures, but they're all kind of funny.
Let me first go through what all happened. Andrew was the first to arrive. He brought me a smilie face balloon, one of his controllers to keep, since for some stupid reason, my controllers crap out all the time. He also got me a $20 gift card for BlockBuster, which I'll end up trying to sell to somebody for like $15, because BlockBuster wronged us about a year ago.
Twenty minutes pass, Andrew's getting raped in Soul Calibur III, and he's saved by my noticing a car pull into the driveway. It's sisters Carolina and Adrianna. They have nice clothes... Anyways, I got a nice wallet from them. It's not really for me right now, as the one I have works just fine, but it'll be useful down the road, and when I pull it out in more successful years to come, I'll think of them.
Next comes a phone call from Brad, asking me what I want him to bring. I say "whatever you want," which is basically our code for his cd collection, which seems to grow tenfold every time I see him, his WaveBird controllers, and Super Smash Brothers: Melee. He said he's waiting for Alyssa to pick him up and he'll probably be late.
Will comes in at 3:30 after his basketball game. He won and stuff, how awesome. Will was the second-best SCIII player in the house, Carolina later began to grasp the game and get really good with a few characters. Andrew began to read my FLCL mangas and decided he would just hide in the corner and read until he was finished.
Shay was next, her mom is really nice, I don't know why Shay dislikes her so much. Shay and I kept the pleasant/crazy mood flowing throughout today, I really think she was the hero of the party. Oh, and she got me a $10 gift card for Starbucks, I don't go there that often, but that's like... two good cups o' coffeh, right? Niiice.
Another phonecall from Brad, saying that he's going to be very late, then he suddenly shows up earlier than he said. He got me the new Children of Bodom cd, which is very, very good. They party kind of began to focus on him as we moved from SCIII to SSB:M. I was always the first to lose, as I've almost never played this one. There was one time I did good, I beasted Alyssa and then Will and Brad killed each other, and then a climactic battle between me and DK, the computer, ended in my failure.
Will brought the Family Guy movie, which is much more 'mature' than what goes on in the show. My parents were about to pull the plug on it, as we were watching it downstairs on the big TV and sound system, and we had a 14-year-old, Shay, in the audience.
After this, we went upstairs again, then Carolina and Adrianna had to leave. Andr00 called his parents and left shortly after. My PStwo got really hot and locked up, so we let it cool down. We took some pictures, which are at the bottom here. Shay's mom came as we were doing this, so she had to leave. Brad and Alyssa left half an hour afterwards. Then Will and I played SCIII until 12:15, then he left.
Ok, picture time:

I was taking the picture here. From left right: Alyssa, Brad, Will, Shay. Is Will's hand on Shay's breast? :-/

I replaced Alyssa here. Everyone's sticking their tongue out, how cliche.

Next we at first deicded to make it look like we were having an orgy, which was scrapped as soon as we called dad over to take pictures, so from here on we're all in the pictures. Here, they all decided to kill me or something.

Then Brad picked up my sword and decided that choking me wasn't enough.

Then Shay did to Hamtaro what she usually does to my arm.
So who's up for tomorrow? Lol.
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
O_O Andrew has a myO account now... Wow.
What's that noise?
I-is.. is that the apocalypse approaching? OH NO!!! We're all going to DIE!!!
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