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North Carolina
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| RiflesAtRecessNC
Monday, November 14, 2005
0028: Birthday Concert
Circle Takes the Square's van broke down... so they didn't make it... WTF?
Despite our best efforts and after exhausting all other options, we were forced to cancel on the Greensboro, NC show tomorrow(sunday 13th).Our van has a problem that we can't get fixed in time to make it up there. We are going to rent a van and play the rest of the shows.
We apologize to everyone who was coming out to see us, and it will still be a sick show without us.
Please come out the rest of the shows, we need some cheering up.
love, the circle
It was still an amazing show, it ranks among the best I've been at, even without CTTS.
Bands were The Wolverines, Chet Stedman (who completely denied that they were actually Chet Stedman, for some reason), Giant, and iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou.
Here's pictures.

The Wolverines were an amazing two member hardcore band. You just have no idea. I have songs from them that you can IM me to get, but those don't do them any justice either. Just fucking incredible.

For some reason Chet Stedman came up and said that they were Animal Patrol, and said that Chet Stedman was playing last. Yeah fucking right, lol. These guys were also amazing. If you ever get the chance to see these guys live (they tour everywhere), never turn it down, they always have a great show. Their shows usually involve amazing solos, even with them jumping off the walls, literally.

Giant is boring, this is my second time seeing them. They play really slow power ballads with almost no vocals, it's weird. Their music is very ambient and emotionally-charged. It's boring as hell to stand up and watch, but it would make a great cd. I told them this, and they agreed. They'll have a cd out in June, I think.

Iwouldsetmyselfonfireforyou (aka. iwouldetc) stole the show. They didn't play on the stage, so my pictures suck. Wow, I think they even beasted Circle Takes the Square... if they were there. These guys actually impersonated CTTS, they played "A Disclaimer to the Self" as their first song, then apologized, said they were just kidding, and gave us their real name and played their own songs. Wow. Again, if you ever see these guys coming to your town, don't pass that chance up. Wow. Best band there. You just have no idea. Their cd is badly recorded, but you can still tell that they're good, IM me for songs.
Also, you can IM me for more pictures.
Oh, and I have this stupid picture of Brad, I promised him that I'd show this to scores of random internet folk. So here it is.

That is all, thank you and good night.
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