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myOtaku.com: RiflesAtRecessNC

Friday, December 2, 2005

0037: Current events.
My parents are trying to quit smoking. Dad has been doing a lot better than mom, but she's making good progress as well. I'm really proud of them, but this has kind of started some sort of chain reaction in them.

My parents have become more and more argumentative and grumpy in the week that they've been weening off of cigarettes. I feel like I can't comfortably walk up and discuss something right now. My dad almost got us killed on the road, not once, but twice today. He's been trying to scare other drivers. I told him that if we make it home in one piece, I'd let him crash and stuff in BurnOut. He declined, and continued driving recklessly, and then mom tried to take over the wheel like she's some movie heroine or something. No thanks, I was seriously worried for my life.

So I'm not going on any more car rides with my parents until things calm down. I've been trying to get into comics again, they make me feel happy. I'm also hoping to be inspired somehow for my upcoming webcomic, The Guardian. I've been buying up some new Batman and Superman comics, a few collections of things that looked cool, and I went on the net today to order some Amano comics, X-Force, and X-Statix. All of these are being paid for with my former DS money (I'm getting it for Christmas now, instead of the PSP). Hopefully, I'll have a decent pile of comics thumb through while me and partners in crime, Carolina Maderas and Frank Wu help me out with Space Squad X, which I'm working on first, since the story is already there. Wow, that sentence had a different direction than I hoped for. I meant to include that I'd be doing this over Winter Break.

I actually still haven't been able to track Frank down to ask him if he doesn't mind me using his old comic as the basis of this new-fangled Space Squad X. I'm sure he won't mind, since I've actually had his version longer than he has, and I did about 1/3 of the work on it.

Tony, I have concept art for The Guardian if you want to see it. IM me next time you're around, or at least make proper use of away messages so I can actually tell when you're there, lol.

Now for more of my life:

Yesterday I wasn't on the net, for the first time in like forever, lol. When I signed on earlier this evening, everything looked foreign, it felt like I hadn't been online in months, lol. How pitiful. But the break was nice. I went comic shopping and then got called to come to a birthday party at the last minute. I really need to take breaks more often, I tend to go on good adventures while doing so, lol.

Tomorrow is the day that a lot of my friends take the SAT's, meaning that my original plans to see Aeon Flux with a large group of friends is officially fucked. It looks like it's just going to be me, Brad and his girlfriend, once again. Then again, I never know. Carolina is supposed to call me late in the day tomorrow to tell me whether or not she can make it to the movie. The prblem is, her father doesn't let her out late, so if she was to come with us, we'd have to bump up to the 7:40 showing.

Sunday is a day of rest for me. Definitely an internet and Final Fantasy day, lol. At some point on Sunday, I'm going to brush up on my painting. Haha, I made a pun. For extra credit in English, which I need, I can create a new cover to The Color Purple. Mrs. Nix extended the deadline to Minday because no one turned one in... at all. So I'll be the first, I guess. I plan on having the trunk (the one with Nettie's letters in it) slightly open with puple flowers sort of spilling out of it.

This looks like a long entry. Make it worth my while, lol. I'm not much of a comment whore or anything, but some gratification is nice every once in a while. Let me know if you read my myO, lol. It'll make me happy.

As for my parents, I really need to establish a curse word jar. Be a good way to raise money for the Art Club, haha.

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