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| RiflesAtRecessNC
Monday, May 1, 2006
Kylesa show, Thursday, April 27th.

Ok, this post is coming waaay late due to my insane amount of homework... and maybe too much partying. Who knows?
I got to see one of my favorite - no really, like, top five favorite bands - Kylesa. Ohh mah gawd!
Anyway, here's the whole story, complete with lotsa pics and downloadables, because I'm nice... and no one's told me to stop uploading things yet.
Brad got me to The Flying Anvil waaay late due to MapQuest's shear level of suck. I wish I took pics of the building now, as it was pretty funny. It was this while brick building with some paint chipping off in places. It had this huge anvil with wings painted on the side. I thought it was funny.
Despite being more than half an hour late, Giant, the first band, still hadn't come on yet. I actually got to talk to the guys right before they were setting up. They approached me since I was the only person who walked in with their shirt on. Those of you who saw my videos with Michaela in them have seen the shirt, it's black with GIANT in gray letters and it has a moose over the T.
Anyways, Giant has a new third guitarist now. I didn't get to meet him, but I think he throws the image of the band off. You have all these emo boys and then this balding guy with a babyface and glasses all the way to the side. Granted, the music was much better with him there, but he doesn't fit their look, lol.
Giant things:

Next up was a hilarious punk band that was actually pretty damn good. They're called Crimson Spectre, and most of them wear make-up, masks, wings, you name it. The band's stage antics were funny, as you can tell from the pictures. I actually got to meet the bassist, John. It's nice to meet musicians that aren't snobby, I've talked to a few that are. Thanks to my indecisiveness, I nabbed both of their cd's for just $10, and they're well worth it. Anyways...
Crimson Spectre:

After Crimson Spectre was Des-Ark. Well, just the singer and her friend. As they were setting up, Kylesa set their stuff up on the stage. Hollly crap, two drum sets! Des-Ark took the area on the floor in front of the stage.
Des-Ark are a punk band that apparently has some decent following. However all I got to see of them was a girl with an acoustic guitar and a guy with a violin. It was kind of cool, we all sat on the floor for this one. Aimee, the guitarist/singer, was very emotional it seemed. She cracked jokes in the middle of her songs to keep the mood up, while she had these forceful moments where it felt like she was ready to burst into tears at any moment. I'm interested in seeing the full band sometime.

Lastly, Des-Ark cleared away and the members of Kylesa manned their instruments. Did I mention that there were two separate drummers? That was pretty badass, almost every song began with almost a drumline, I caught almost the entire set on camera, aside from two songs which I don't like of theirs, so I took pictures. I got to meet Laura, who was also nice, yet had an aura of coolness around her. Oh, and yes, in that video down below, and all through the set, her nipples were popping out of her shirt. Consider it a warning?
Anyway, Kylesa was incredible, they put on one of the best shows I've ever seen. But they're just one of those bands that to me, that a nuclear bomb could have went off onstage and I still would have been dissappointed, as I had tremendous hopes for them, of course. They didn't play any of my favorite songs by them, sadly, but the ones they played, they played well. When you listen to them on their cd's, it doesn't sound very technical, but when you can see all of them playing in front of you, it just looks like they're all soloing constantly. It was awesome, really. And their bassist had so much energy, he seemed to be constantly entranced in whatever was causing him to constantly spaz around and headbang.
In the video I put up, it should be known that I am right next to the speaker that Laura's guitar is coming out of, so that's most of what you're able to hear. Also, the mosh pit was literally bordered by my back. I got hit multiple times and I'm lucky I didn't drop my camera. I ended up barely looking at where my camera was pointed and I ended up realizing a bit too late that I was chopping the musicians' heads off. You can see me correcting this, lol.
And, I have a LOT of extra Kylesa pics, but they're all about the same. I couldn't get any pics spanning the whole band, as I was at a weird angle. However, I do have zoomed-in shots of all the members too in case anyone wants them.

I forgot that I stole the pictures Brad took at the show. Some of his turned out really good, so here's more!

Giant - Calvin
EDIT: Kylesa - Ceaseless Becoming
Kylesa - 1st song in set, unknown title THis actually might be "The Scarab," if so, there's a large chunk of the middle that's cut out of their live version. The beginning sounds like it, though.
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