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myOtaku.com: Riharu

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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oneeyedmonkey (11/06/04)

Cool site! Come by sometime and check out mine if you want. Laters.


SilveRaven (11/01/04)

Hello! I clicked on a random member and I somehow stumbled onto your site!:):) I love the layout, red! It's my fave color. If you have the time, come by my site! I'll see you around! I added you as a friend by the way!

pinsandneedles (11/01/04)

Hiya! cool site ya got here! addin' ya as a friend k?! ^_^

Dark Phoenix (10/30/04)

Hey! Thanks for stopping by and signing my guest book! It's appreciated. Sure you can join THAT. Welcome!! The link to our banners is located in aurus' intro. ^_^

Fire knight (10/16/04)

Hey thanks for stoping by. I like your site. *looks at the never ending white*. Well I'm going to add you to my friends list and it be nice to be in yours as well. Well I see you arround. *walks away trying to fing the door were I came from* *in the distance you hear* No!!!! *Falling down and then a thump* ouch.

Fire Knight out

BlackHeart00 (09/17/04)

Hello There
First I want to tell you that your my random member of today!! LOL Also I like your site the colors rock!
Stop by my site and sign my guest book. Mind if I add you as a friend?

Artemis (09/05/04)

cute site! Thanks for signing my gb. I'll see ya around.

Dark Immortal (08/30/04)

Hey, thanks for signing my geustbook. im adding you as a friend, so if you need anything, dont hessitate to ask. see you round, peace

ghettostar0492 (08/25/04)

hey i am jus stoppin by. it seems that u need some more things on yer site, but i don't blame u because u jus started. i will add yu as a friend
come by my site sometime and sign my gb

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