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Friday, July 8, 2005

Happy 4th!
It's already past the 4th of July, but I haven't updated in a while so I'm wishin yall a happy one now. Well, if any of you Furuba fans come across this, plz comment my fan art! Yeah... so anyways...... I'll be going now!! Buh-bai!
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Saturday, June 18, 2005

Ugh. I got a sore throat. And bowling for state got cancelled at the last minute. Well, not really cancelled, but last night we just found out that we had the wrong date. pretty pethetic, huh? Well, I'm reeeeeally bored right now. so, guess I'll stop rambling and go bug someone who actually cares.
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Monday, June 13, 2005

Hey. I'm bored. i just submitted Furuba fan art, so look at it if you have a chance. ...So.....umm.... bye!
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Sunday, May 8, 2005

New wallpaper
Yo everybody!! I was bored, and this guy was making wallpapers on demand for Tales of Symphonia, so I posted one on my site! Hope yall lke it!
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

School is finally coming to an end!!!! Hoorah!!!!!!! Well, Now we have to do a lot of crappy projects and essays. Oh well, I can make up some crap and hope the teachers believe I worked hard on it!! heh heh, 15 minutes on a research paper taking up 3 days of class time!
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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Nobody luvs me.....
People don't come to my site and comment...I'm bored!!!!!!!! Playing with fire isn't my full-time job or anything, so when noone's around it gets dull. (If that just made sense to you, then yay us insane/insanely smart people!!!)
heh, anyways, state FPS was a bit of a drag. we were late to everything, it was expensive, and I didn't even compete. oh well, better luck next time, right? well, see ya!

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Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Hiya!!! I finally changed my background. Hope yall like it!!!!! Anyways, I'm soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hungry. Snack break!!!! heheh.... well, see ya!!

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Results...
YAY!!!!! We did it!!! Honor's band made straight 1s!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
We got a first division, so now we get a trophy!!! Also, I got a $65 scholoship in bowling for getting 2nd place in the travel league!!!! Well, see yall laters!!

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

   UILs.... .
Today is Band UILs. I'm pretty nervous, even though this my second time to do it... Our band is pretty good, but the judges are hard this year. Our Symphonic band played yesterday, and didn't do as well as last year.... Oh well. Tomarrow I'll try and post the results here, kay?
Anyways, see yall then!

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Hey.... if something big happened while I was gone, somebidy tell me. Thanx.
Anyways, yo!! History stinks now because we have 1 week left before TAKS (state administered test) so we have to do practically a chapter a night so that we can pass the stupid test. Grrrrrrrr, whoever thought o doing tests like this is evil.
Anyways, gtg now. sry I haven't been on in a month, please forgive me!!!


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