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myOtaku.com: RikkuXxXx

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Tyo Wolf (01/20/06)

Hiya, It's me WOlf - Demon, well it use to be... your site is still coolio, keep at it. i'll ad ya to my list, bye.

FFX Seymour Natus (12/06/05)

hey cool site final fantasy rocs! really like the rikku theme, addin u as a friend cya

shadowtiger69 (12/06/05)

Hi, nice site...I like the background and the pictures...and if you want, come visit my site, okies? I am going to add you as a friend...so anyway...bye for now!

^__^ ~Shadow~

moogle claire (11/29/05)

0o0 Ooooooooooh look at all the Rikkuness!
She's my favourite Final Fantasy character she's so funny and cool! Some people say I look like here, but I'd say the only thing I have the same is her is that Im terrified of lighting! (eeep i hate it!)

I'll add you as a friend as I think your site is absolutely ACE!!!!

~claire ^0^

See you around *kupo*

Bunny Girl Meroko (11/26/05)

::Stick Out Tongue:: I'm Meroko!! Nice to meet you!! ::Hugglez:: Thankz for signing my GB!!! I like your site too, Nice BG!!! I'm adding you too, k?!?! ::Smiles:: Cya!


B.Moon WereWolf (11/26/05)

Hi, cool site. I'll add you to my friends list.ttyl

~B.Moon WereWolf

WitchHunterfan (11/23/05)

Hey there ^_^
Nice site you got here... coolness... lol.... sorry for not saying much... I'm bored...
If you may need any help with your site or just wanna talk... I'm here all the time ^_^
And please come by my site if you want... I'll add you as a friend... And You may PM me any time you want ^_^
Well, I'll see ya later ^_^

Menmei (11/22/05)

Power to the Final Fantasy fans.I luv Gippel.He is awsome.The Machine Faction is the best.Well u can c that i luv Final Fantasy.FF 8 is a really good game.I have a site u might like it called ffinsider.net.It's got some relly good FF stuff.Come see my site.Sign my gb too.C ya.

p.s.Luv Gippel*smiles*
Menmei:He's so hot

Dark Knight Ian (11/20/05)

whoa, all the moving text on ur site gets me all dizzy @_@. WOOOT! i like dizziness now! Wooooot! i'm gunna add ya as a friend so i can come back and be all @_@ again later.
oh yea i forgot, YAY FF!!

xXMew IchigoXx (11/19/05)

Hello!!! Thanks for signing my GB!!! ::Smiles:: I'm going to add you as a friend, I love Rikku..I'll see you around!


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